How You Met / Realising Their Feelings / First Kiss

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Sam Temple

You went to school together and noticed he struggled, so you offered to tutor him. He was extremely grateful for your help, but soon your tutoring sessions turned into much more.

He loved the way your eyes sparkled as you talked about the things you loved, not noticing when he made it on that list. Sam got an A on his final, and you celebrated with a huge, public kiss that Sam initiaited out of pure joy. You stayed strong as the FAYZ began.

Astrid Ellison

She tutored you, but never once made you feel stupid. In time, you realised you were equally matched, and you complemented each other perfectly. When you corrected her on a particular topic, but not condescendingly, Astrid realised she had fallen for you. The giant hug she gave you when you got a higher mark than her proved exactly how much she cared - even setting her own feelings of failure aside until you gently pressed your lips against hers.

You kept each other balanced in the FAYZ.

Caine Soren

You transferred to Coates Academy, and Caine was immediately intrigued by your attitude and, of course, looks. He tried to convince himself that he just had a passing interest...but it was a lie, and both of you knew it. As soon as he admitted his feelings to himself, he started planning how to tell you. It was, of course, excessively dramatic - candles and flowers, mood lighting - and Caine gave you a passionate kiss as soon as you accepted.

You instilled strength in each other as the FAYZ started.

Quinn Gaither

You were partnered up in Chemistry and he made you laugh on a particularly bad day. He showed you his non-goofy, serious and startling observant side. Quinn had always known he would fall for you, and tried to show you how deeply by acting maturely when he told you. Your first kiss was no more than a minute later. You kept each other sane in the FAYZ.

Drake Merwin

Being the new kid at Coates - a school filled with notorious bullies - wasn't easy, but it was sure as hell a lot easier when Drake took a liking to you. He made himself known by blatantly threating the first person to publicly attempt to humiliate you - and he did it violently.

His little grin and nod at you was only the start of Drake trying to win your favor via a mix of hurting your antagonisers and being oddly sweet to you (and only you). He finally told you about his feelings by pinning you against a wall and kissing you between classes. You saw the softer, vulnerable side of him when he had to verbally explain his feelings. You were each other's rock in the FAYZ.

Diana Ladris

Beautiful, knowing, seductive Diana didn't fall in love - not until you. You looked at her, talked to her differently - you saw her as she truly was, and she loved you for that. When she dropped the façade to show you the depth of her feelings, and found you returned them, Diana kissed you gently - like she was afraid of breaking you. You offered the other a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen when needed in the FAYZ.

Lana Arwen Lazar

You knew each other by mutual friends, and always encouraged her to stop drinking but never disrespected each other. After one particularly bad breakup, she realised why she'd broken things off - no one but you ever felt right. She kissed you in a sudden rush of passion and left quickly. Lana panicked but didn't push you away, instead confessing her feelings when she thought the time was right. You took care of each other in the FAYZ - mentally and physically.

Brianna Berenson

You became fast friends when Brianna was sent to Coates, as you helped her settle in and navigate around bullies. You took her to Nurse Temple every single time she twisted her ankle or fell in Track. She didn't admit her feelings until you had an argument and she ran away from you after realising what she'd said. Brianna tried to ignore you, but was so unfocused in Track that she fell badly, and would have been seriously hurt - but you caught her just as she slipped...bringing her down on top of you accidentally. You were worried until she leaned down and kissed you, and helped you up. You were each other's light in the dark times of the FAYZ.

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