Conflict / Comfort

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Sam Temple

Sam paced impatiently around your shared living room, muttering to himself. His head snapped up when he heard the door open and footsteps approach.

"Where were you? I was so worried! I-"

Sam trailed off as he noticed the bruising around your eye and your slight limp.

"Had to break up a fight. Everyone's okay, though," you reassured him.

Sam tried to keep the anger out of his expression, tried to smooth it into concern, but-

"What if you weren't okay? What if you got hurt?"

Sam didn't even realise he'd shouted until he took in the wide-eyed look you gave him.

"Babe, oh god, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

He felt arms wrap around him and looked down, seeing you hug him tightly.

"I've got you. I'll always be there for you. I love you, babe," Sam whispered into your neck.

Astrid Ellison

"I don't think you should-"

"What?" Astrid turned to face you. "You're doubting me? I think I know more about this than you, huh?"

Your teary eyes sparked an immediate regret in Astrid, and she instantly backtracked, tripping over herself to apologise. With her cool façade broken, Astrid seemed so young and remorseful. You smiled at her and leaned in to tuck a stray hair behind her cheek, shushing her.

"It's okay, Astra. I love you."

Caine Soren

Caine bit his thumbnail as he tried to hold back the harsh words that came to mind.

"You're not going to say anything?" You pleaded with Caine. He'd been silent ever since you said the words "I love you."

"I don't know what to say," he admitted.

Sighing and holding back tears, you turned to leave, but two arms wrapping around you blocked your way.

"What, Caine? What could you possibly want n-"

"I love you."

The kiss he gave you not a second after proved it.

Quinn Gaither

Quinn's back ached and his hands were red and raw, but he smiled as he trudged through your front door. Only for his smile to drop entirely as he realised you were crying.

"Sweetheart? What's wrong?"

"Q-Q-Quinn. Edilio told me...he told me what you said to him. What you called him."

Shame flooded him and he hung his head. "There was never any excuse for that. I...I know how wrong I was. I want to make it up to Edilio, but I don't know how to tell him I'm sorry."

You nodded sympathetically. "It was racist, Quinn."

"It was. And I knew it was, and I need to apologise."

Your smile was brighter than the sun.

Drake Merwin


Drake whipped around to face you, his eyes red. "What? Come to laugh? I've only got one hand, but I can still shoot. Don't test me, doll."

Your sigh and shake of the head pulled at his heartstrings. "No, Drake, I'm not going to judge you. I'm sorry I wasn't there. I came to- to be here for you now."

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