New - Edilio, Anna, Emma, Dahra, Mary

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Edilio Escobar

You met Edilio at your local library - he was researching policies on visas and immigration in California. When he saw you, he nervously snapped the book he held shut and refused to meet your eyes. However, you quietly asked if you could sit at his favoured table when you saw him there next, and over time he opened up to you - even about his family's illegal immigration.

Despite fearing judgment for his sexuality, he realised he loved you and kissed you in the same library you'd first met in.

You watched each other's backs in the FAYZ.


Edilio stood with his arms crossed as Quinn so obviously tried to flirt with you. You had decided to keep your relationship a secret, fearing judgment, so he couldn't do much in public. Not that he would, anyway - he trusts you within an inch of his life - but he's scared of not being good enough.

(0/10 jealously, please reassure this best boy)


You invited her to see a movie after she caught your interest in your shared class, Maths. You two really hit it off and she realised she had feelings for you when Sam asked her out and she had to turn him down. Anna kissed you just before she turned 15. You waited to turn 15 before getting out of the FAYZ to be with her in whatever way possible - and were glad to see she was alive.


Anna pouted as yet another young journalist came up to interview you about your short time in the "PBA", as they called it. This junior journalist was only 16, and - as much as Anna didn't like to admit it - incredibly cute. But Anna didn't want to be seen as the jealous girlfriend, and trusted you. When they went to pose for a photo and tried to kiss your cheek however, Anna stepped in, smiling at them sweetly then gently pulling you away.

(5/10 but it's so cute when she's jealous that you can't be mad at her.)


You met Emma through her sister, Anna, who set you two up on an ice-skating date. Emma tripped into your arms and giggled that she "fell for you", and you kissed her right then and there. You turned 15 before Emma and weren't part of the FAYZ at all, but when Emma got out you were overjoyed to see she was safe.


Anna flirted with you to get back at Emma- but it had little effect. Emma was in love with you and loved her sister despite their disagreements, so she just smiled at both of you fondly.

(0/10, she loves fully and completely and without jealousy)

Dahra Baidoo

You met Dahra at the beginning of the FAYZ, being assigned to help her in the 'hospital'. You were so helpful and devoted that Dahra fell head over heels and left Elwood for you, kissing you to signify this.

You mended each other's hearts and wounds during the FAYZ.


Diana simpers at you and twirls her hair while you look on unimpressed. Dahra hides her smile at your loyalty, and makes sure to give you extra kisses just to ensure your eyes never stray from each other.

(1/10 jealousy, you're her baby and she's never trusted anyone more!)

Mary Terrafino

You met Mary when she requested you help at the daycare. After seeing how much she was going through, you spoke to her privately and offered your support. Sure enough, she soon confided in you about her issues and begged you not to judge her too harshly. Mary realised she had feelings for you when you supported her and never once made her feel judged, only listened attentively. She kissed you and in the second after, downed a biscuit in one bite.

She's trying. She's trying for her, she's trying for you.


Mary's depression can affect her so negatively that she wonders if you truly love her. She's self conscious of her looks and body and doesn't think she's good enough for you. Mary doesn't get jealous, she just gets sad.

(-10000/10, poor angel, someone give her a hug she deserves it.)

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