The Cafe

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"Leah! Can't you listen! I'm calling you! Come down here and feed me you bitch!"
Shit Joe is awake from his nap and I forgot to make food. I got caught up writing these lyrics that I didn't put him first. I ran down stairs to the kitchen. Reheated some soup from yesterday's dinner when that scumbag came in the kitchen with a face I don't love to see.

"What did I tell you! Where the fuck is my food?!" I turned off the stove and placed the hot soup in a bowl. Before I could walk over to place it in the dinning table Joe grabbed my hair tightly swinging my body to the floor. I groaned in pain but he slammed my face to the grown two times. Pulled me up and through me to the side with his powerful slap.

My body was shaking as I placed the soup in front of him bowed down and ran up to my room. I closed the door and cried my way to the the bed.
**time skip**
I woke up to silence.. looked outside and realized Joe locked himself in his room probably to drink. I took my black hoodie and a cap. Slowly making my way to the door. I walked pretty fast down to the city. I needed a break from that household but all I did was walk and cry.
My feet kept going and going like my tears did it was quite cold. Once I looked up I saw this tall glass building and a giant red coffee cup next to it. A few people were inside the cafe chatting or just having a drink. I ordered a hot coffee with extra cream why not.

Sat in this small booth at the very end of the place. The booth was next to these big doors that seem private but didn't give much attention to them.
I looked around and saw how much of a good time these people are having but me.. tears rolled down my face again. I looked more down so no one would see.

"Hey! You okay there?"
I looked up and faced this male with beautiful features and a pointy shape face. He was wearing all black plus a beanie.
Wipes my tears with my hand and gave him a weak smile.
"Yeah I am.." all lies no I'm not I haven't been okay since I could remember.

"You don't look okay.. please let me help you." He gave me a worry look and walked over to the table next to mine and sat down. He looked at me again and pushed the napkins in front of me.

"Having a bad day?" He asked again this time in a much more softer voice. I looked at him and frowned something about him I couldn't exactly lie. A tear came down again and took a napkin so fast.

"Not much of a talker huh? It's okay I love to talk I'm pretty loud too!" He gave me a big smile and rested his chin on his hand.

"Just some...-
"Changbin What are you doing? I thought we were going to work?" A male approached us he was also wearing all black but had a cap on instead similar to mine. Blonde hair instead of dark.

"Oh Hyung I saw this pretty girl looking all sad and I want to help... she looks lonely." At this point my tears stopped rolling down however my eyes were still puffy. The blonde looked at me in concern and sat right in front of me giving me the cutest dimple smile.

"Oh how rude of me I haven't introduced myself. My name is Seo Changbin and this is my hyung Bang Chan." I bowed slightly and took off my cap to let my hair loose a little. When I turned to face them the two were blushing.

"Nice to meet you guys my name is Choi Leah.." I said softly hoping I don't burst anymore tears again because I'm already feeling awkward.

"Oh nice you have a English name. Most of us Koreans don't have any well very rarely. It's cute though I like it!" I got a bit shy I rarely get any special treatment or nice words unless when my grandma comes over.

"Actually I'm half American that's why.. although it would be nice to have a full korean name."
The two males looked at each other shocked than gave me a warm smile. That guy Changbin is really good with his smiles especially dimple boy.

"My mother is korean and my dad is white. I was born in the states but moved here when I was 10 its been about 10 years now since I moved." Before any of them can speak another male approached us he had the cutest chubby cheeks; he was wearing a grey hoodie and some red bandanna.

"Yo! What are you guys doing?" I got more shy because I made eye contact with him and he just seems so cute. Dimple boy stood up and picked up a chair to place it next to him.

"Jisung just sit down this pretty girl is in need of our help. Just look at her she looks so sad." The boy eventually gave in took a seat and wouldn't keep his eyes off of me.. my face was still puffy and red. I really most of cried hard.

Them three are really funny we found ourselves joking around random stuff around us. By this time my face was no longer puffy and in fact I was smiling. They seem fun Changbin kept sticking straws up his nose and showing me, Bang Chan would try to act silly but end up looking cute. Jisung on the other hand was so loud that everyone in the cafe stared once in a while.

"Aww look at you your smiling! No more tears missy!" Jisung said trying to act serious but the rest bursted out laughing.

"Nah seriously why were u so sad all alone... are you okay?" Jisung asked giving me a warm doe eye look.
"Some personally stuff but hey I'm okay now guys. Look I'm not crying no more." I faked a smile when deep down inside I was crying in pain my life is a living hell.
**ring ring**

The boys check their phones and it wasn't them.. than it hit me I've been out for long. Joe must of noticed I'm gone. Shit I'm dead meat.
My hands were shaking as I picked up the call and step to the side away from the boys. I took a big gulp before I said-

"Where the fuck are you? Get your stupid slut self over here now!"
"I'm going.. please don't-

The call ended before I could finish my sentence. Man I'm really going to get it when I get home. My body is already preparing for the worse.

I walked over to the boys who where chatting.
"Hey guys thank you so much for making me feel better. I really have to get home my father is worried."
I grabbed my back pack as quickly as possible. Gave them a smile and started to make my way to the door as fast as I could.

"Wait! Can we see you again!" Changbin yelled out from afar.
"Maybe.. bye changbin."

With that I speed so fast to my house. God knows what Joe will do to me but I know it won't be pretty. I wonder what life be with those three guys in my life.

A/n: Would you look at that.. I'm ready and back for another story telling. This fanfic will contain teenage drama, tragedy, domestic violence and romance. It will be a heck of a ride but hop on and I hope you enjoy your time :)

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