Shes Back

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This morning seemed very lovely the sun was out and the house was quite. Either because I woke up in a better mood or because Joe left out of town for a week.
All I thought about was the guys they were so nice to me the day of the park before Joe ruined it all. Not to mentioned he slapped me for coming in a few seconds late to the office.
I made my way to the kitchen but breakfast was made there was fresh kimichi soup and a bowl of rice on the kitchen counter.

I heard footsteps coming from the bathroom. I made my way to the door and press my ear against the door.
I heard the water sink turn on and a familiar humming.
The door eventually opened and my eyes lit up.
"Grandma! Your here your really here! When did you arrive!"
I jumped up and hugged her tightly I haven't seen her in 6 months I truly missed her.

"Oh my baby is growing up so fast! I missed you so much. But first you need to eat than we can talk. Now go child the soup will get cold!"
Acting like a spoiled child I ran to my soup and started to melt with the yummy flavors in my mouth.

"Your mother taught me so many korean dishes that I cook more korean food at home than American. This was her personal favorite remember?" I gave her a smile and nodded.
"So how long are you staying? What brings you here?"
"Well Eddie called me to check up on you. But I was already planning to make a surprise visit. I'm staying here for a week. But don't you worry baby I'm all yours it's nice to have some grandma and granddaughter time. Ummm wait where's your dad?"

The minute she mentioned Eddie my heart sank. He's never called me since he left he basically abandoned me and left me with him.. Eddie has no idea how Joe became. My life is a living hell and all I would need is some hope from Eddie. I shouldn't complain at least he called grandma and she came for a bit which I'm happy.
My soup was about done but before I could pick it up grandma had already taken my plate and started to wash the dishes. How am I going to hide to her all my marks of abuse.

"Sweetie you haven't answered my question. Where is Joe is he working? He doesn't even call his own mother no more. To think you raise a child and than they forget about their mother."
"Oh dad! He went out on a business trip for a week. He's coming back Tuesday. Unfortunately you'll be gone by than. Don't worry about Joe though he's always busy oh I mean dad!"

She gave me a funny look when she heard me call my dad by his name. The first time he started to abuse me I stopped calling him dad. He lost that kind of title for me..
he didn't care enough to correct me.. if only I could tell her the truth maybe she could save me from this life. However Joe promised to hurt me and everything I love if I ever spoke about what goes on at home.
"Sweetie do you want to maybe take me to the super market. Man your dad hasn't stocked up the fridge it almost looks empty."
"Of course! Let me wash up and I'll be down in a few.."

**Time Skip**

The super market seemed busy than again it's morning time which is perfect timing for all the house wives to step outside. When I was a little girl my mother, Eddie and I would go to the super market to shop and at the end if we behaved she buy us ice cream.
Grandma looked around picked up fruits and veggies that was needed plus meets my favorite kind as well. Some folks in korea looked at her funny because she's white. She had light brown hair and hazel eyes but a typical grandma look.

I'm lucky I have most of my asian features from mom however I do look sort of Caucasian.
I turned around when my name was called there standing was Bangchan he was wearing once again a cap and covered as best as he could, but I don't blame him.. he approach me and I went in for a hug I missed the guys.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you like not suppose to be out alone in public places like this?"
"Yeah I know but my manager let us have a free day today so I decided to do some random walking around local neighborhoods. Than I found you here which is crazy but I'm glad."

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