Chapter 1

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The last bell finishes ringing, and I sigh trying to find my way through this maze known as highschool. I made my way up the stairs as a rude boy, well man, apparently, bumped my shoulder causing my notebook to fall along with his.

In one swift movement he picked it up and yelled "sorry" over his shoulder, continuing to stride along. I picked up the notebook I dropped. Finally I found room 107 and took a seat towards the back. The teacher was writing the critique on the board along with his name. He set the expo marker down and began speaking. As he spun around I realized it was the asshole who ran into me. I scoffed as his brown eyes met mine for a mere second.

I read the board which listed some rules and expectations for us 'high schoolers'. The rules basically said have common sense and human decency. The board also read Mr. Desario. He grabbed a clipboard and called roll aloud as the subtle repetition of the word "here" filled the room.

"Emily Ross." He called scanning the room, I raised my hand and he spotted me checking the 'present' box I assume. I saw a small smile play on his lips.

And to think that I had a whole ninety minutes with him. After he finished explaining the simple rules of the school he sat at his desk and began typing away. Soon he pulled up a PowerPoint on the screen. "Okay everybody this is a short well worth PowerPoint with basic facts about me so we can get to know each other." He smiled as the slides began.


I'll give him credit for putting all those awkward photos up. For him being so open. One of the slides caught my eye. It was basically a collage of Taylor Swift. "Alright, I'm just going to say it. Taylor Swift's music is my guilty pleasure." He said lowering his head.

I giggled softly. The five minute warning bell signaled and I exhaled a little too loudly. "Something wrong Emily?" The voice asked closely. I jumped startled not realizing someone was near me. He placed a hand on my shoulder "Are you okay?" He asked with what seemed like genuine concern. "Uh," the release bell appeared as the students rushed out of the classroom. "Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled softly. I struggled to get my stuff together.

"Do you know where you are heading next?" He inquired.

"Not really.." I told truthfully.

He came behind me and took a look at my schedule. "Oh, I could show you I have planning next period anyways." His breath tickled my skin.

"Okay." I nodded.

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