Wonderful Queen, Someday

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The door of Duncan's office burst open. The king lifted his head from his current paperwork at once.

He wasn't particularly afraid. There were a number of guards that would have stopped anyone who might have posed a threat to him at the drawbridge. But it was extremely unheard of for one to dare barge into Duncan's office without knocking. Or make it past his secretary, for that matter.

When his eyes fell on Halt and Crowley, his unasked question was immediately answered. If anyone were to make it past Leonard and walk in on the king unannounced, it would be those two.

Then, he noticed the way that Halt's arm was draped across Crowley's shoulders, the latter practically dragging his limping friend into the room while also limping and favoring the arm that wasn't wrapped around Halt's waist. Instantly, Duncan was on his feet and pulling two chairs up to his desk for the men.

"God in heaven!" the king exclaimed, helping Crowley lower Halt into one chair and then helping Crowley into the second. Both men winced and sighed as they relaxed on the chairs. Duncan rushed to the door, waving away Leonard's attempts at apologizing for the Rangers' interruption and instead sending the secretary after fresh coffee, water, and a dinner platter for each man.

"What on earth happened?" he demanded once he'd returned to his own seat across the desk from the two men.

Both looked awful, completely bloodstained and exhausted. Their hair was matted with a mixture of dried sweat, blood, and mud. Their breeches, jerkins, and even their beloved Ranger's cloaks were torn in numerous places. Crowley was favoring his left arm, keeping it steady and rested on his lap. His left leg was also propped out in front of him. When he so much as moved his foot, Duncan noticed a wince spread across the man's face.

Halt looked to be in even worse condition. He was slouched in his chair, something that the man rarely did when something important was being discussed. His eyes were only half opened. His face was dirt stained and a large cut stretched from the corner of his right eye to his jawline. His left leg was bent at an odd and painful-looking angle started at the knee. He winced with every breath, holding his side loosely.

"Halt, are you alright?" Duncan asked. He noticed that Crowley was casting a deeply concerned look in his friend's direction. Halt, hearing his name, forced himself to sit up a little straighter with obvious difficulty.

"Yes, my king," he said. Duncan frowned. Whether it was because of his exhaustion or for some other strange reason, Halt's Hibernian accent was thicker than usual. Duncan glanced at Crowley, who shook his head slowly.

"Crowley, tell me what happened to the two of you," Duncan asked, his concern evident. Crowley winced as he leaned forward, again favoring his left arm.

"We were following one of Morgarath's numbskull upstarts that had managed to evade us until now," the newly-elected Ranger Commandant said. "And it turned out to be an ambush. We were attacked, we barely escaped. We'd left the horses behind to travel up the mountain. And then... well, we fell down it but then we mounted up and rode straight here. We-"

"You fell DOWN A MOUNTAIN?" Duncan interrupted, his voice rising in disbelief. But Crowley was waving his concern away before the king had finished.

"Sir, please," Crowley said in a rush. "We've alerted the guards, but you must get your daughter and get to the top of the south tower, now. They're coming here!"

Duncan froze. Had Crowley neglected to mention his two year old daughter Cassandra, Duncan would have refused to retreat to the south tower. But the reminder of the innocent young girl who had already lost her mother made up the king's mind at once, as Crowley had known it would.

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