xxix. blood must have blood, pt 2 (2.16)

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You and Bellamy are still standing and staring at the cages, silent and confused, Maya's sobs soft behind you.

You turn and look at him, "We should take care of Vincent."

He nods and you both walk back over to Maya. You drop down across from her, reaching for her hand. "Go get your suit and as much oxygen as you can, we'll take care of your father."

She opens her mouth to say something, and sensing a protest, you squeeze her hand. "You shouldn't have to see him like this."

She lets out another sob before nodding, and Jasper helps her to her feet. You pass Monty your gun. "You two go with her. Meet back here."

They nod and turn from the room, leaving you and Bellamy to look down at Vincent's body. You shake your head, pushing away the emotions that threaten to rise, before whispering, "We need a sheet."

Bellamy nods and jogs out of the room, towards the Quarantine rooms on the same floor. You kneel beside Vincent and push his eyelids closed as you whisper, "In peace, may you leave this shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels, until our final journey to the ground. May we meet again."

You wipe away the tears that slipped down your cheek as Bellamy steps back into the room, sheet in hand. He lays it beside Vincent's body and you both carefully lift him onto it, before wrapping him up the best you can. Then you carry his body down to one of the Quarantine rooms and place him in one of the beds before you both head back to the harvest room and wait for the others.

You only have to wait a few minutes before they arrive, Maya now suited up. Monty walks over to you and Bellamy and whispers, "All of the canisters were half full and we could only find a couple."


You look at Bellamy, opening your mouth to say something when you hear the sound of banging nearby. Your brows pull together as you ask, "What was that?"


When you hear it again you take off running, the others following you in confusion as you run past the harvest cages and into the intake room. Once there, you stop and listen again, turning to the others when you can hear voices from the other side of the door. Bellamy pulls out his gun and motions for you to do the same, and you lift them as he uses a keycard to activate the door.

It beeps and unlocks and he pushes the door open, revealing Octavia and Clarke, looking back at you in shock. Bellamy and Octavia collide in a hug, and you run past them to grab your twin and hug her. She hugs you back, grip tight as she whispers, "I'm sorry."

You pull away and give her a smile. "There's nothing to forgive. Stronger together, right?"

She nods and you turn away to hug Octavia. After you pull away, you reach up to touch one of the braids in her hair. "I like this new look."

She smiles, "I'm not so sure about yours."

You glance down at your clothes, covered in dirt and some of Vincent's blood, along with a layer of sweat. "This is better than it was."

She starts to answer you, but she sees the others step into the doorway, and she runs over to greet them. You turn back to Clarke, and as you do, your eyes land on the mine cart in the corner, a pair of feet sticking out the top. You look inside and your stomach drops when you see Fox, bruised, bloodied, and dead.

You call Bellamy over, and he walks over, tensing up as soon as he sees her. You exchange a look and walk over to Clarke, huddling together as he asks, "Where's your army?"

"Gone, just like yours. Say you have a plan."

Bellamy shakes his head, "Not really. We need to talk to Dante, he's in quarantine."

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