A Klaine Fanfic

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Blaines P.O.V.

Did I really just do that?

I mean, did that really just happen? Did I just hook up with another guy just because i was lonely because Kurt was in New York? This is horrible. I'm gonna have to tell him. I put my head in my hands and ran my fingers through my messed-up, just-woke-up, hair.

What the heck is wrong with me? I must be the worst boyfriend in the history of all relationships. How am i going to tell Kurt? He's just going to be so heartbroken. And i don't think I can look into his beautiful, blue eyes and tell him-

"You okay?"

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someones voice.

Eli? Was that his name? Anyone would know better than me. He's just some guy who friended me on Facebook.

While I was feeling really, really lonely without Kurt, he had messaged me, asking me to come over. At the moment, I clearly wasn't thinking straight, and thought it would be okay. So, I agreed and here I am.

I sighed.

"No. Im not." I said back to Eli.

He chuckled. "Is it because I don't look like my profile picture?"***

I didn't laugh along with him. I couldn't. I just felt so awful about what I'd just done.

I need to get out of here. Now.

"Sorry. I have to go." I said and quickly grabbed my bag and headed for the door.

"Blaine-" Eli started, but I didn't stay to let him finish. I raced down the staircase. His house was so quiet because there was no one else home except the two of us. It was as if the silence was mocking me.  With no outside noise, it was like the thoughts in my mind were screaming at me, telling me how terrible what I had done was.

Once I was in my car, I immediately turned on the radio. As i was driving home, I tried singing along to clear my head, but all that came out were a fit of sobs. I was a wreck.


When I got home I just lyed on my bed, crying. I couldn't help it. What I did was really sinking in. I cheated on the one person I love more than anything in this world. Why would I do that? Why? What I thinking? Obviously, I wasn't.

Okay. I just...I have to tell Kurt. I have to be honest. Honesty is the best policy....right? I hope Kurt thinks so. But how? How will I tell him? I can't call him. Telling Kurt I cheated on him over the phone would make matters 10 times worse.

There was only one thing left that I could do.

I grabbed my laptop and opened a new browser. In the search box, I carefully typed, 'Flight Schedules and Tickets to New York City'.

I am going to New York to see Kurt.

***Eli's profile picture was a picture of a lighthouse.

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