Maki's New School

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As I walked to the high school, I was stopped by a random girl, who was waving her arms. "Do not let your past remain hidden and dark, for Atua forgives all!" She obviously hasn't killed anyone before. When I tried to move along, she grabbed me by the arm, dragging me toward a conveniently nearby blood donation center. Once I managed to find even footing, I took her by the shoulders and said in my most menacing voice, "Do you want to die?" I heard someone behind me call out, "I do!" My captor (ish) shrugged and continued dragging me along.


She was about to pull me into the building when another girl stopped her. Where do all these girls come from? No one knows. Anyway, the other girl looked crossly at my abductor. "Angie, you really need to stop grabbing random people and taking their blood so that you can feed your vampire god. Also, if you're going to take blood, take a degenerate male's. They obviously don't need it." Angie sighed dramatically, her grip tightening on my arms. It was surprisingly strong for someone of her stature. Her eyes narrowed. "And may I ask, friend Tenko, what you are doing here?"

Tenko blushed furiously and looked down. "I was looking for Himiko," she muttered, voice barely above a whisper. "Nyahaha!" Angie grinned. "Well, don't worry, she's in Atua's hands now!" 

"Y-you killed her?" 

"Nope just joined my religion!" 

"You monster, that's a fate worse than death!"

I took advantage of their not-so-playful banter and made my escape, wrenching my arm free, and sprinted to the school. Looking at my watch told me that there were two minutes left before the bell rang. I also glanced at my class list for any potential threats. Thankfully, there didn't seem to be any, but the girls named Angie and Tenko were both in my class.

Well, this is definitely going to be a fun year. 

So fun I could just cry.

I mutter a few choice expletives under my breath as I walk the last feet to the classroom.

—Time Skip—

After the teacher introduces herself, she has us all do the same. It'd be undeniably unusual if I introduced myself as the SHSL assassin, so I need to think of something, quick. I'm so lost in thought that when it's time to introduce myself, the kid next to me has to elbow me, grinning evilly all the while. I dislike him immediately, so I shoot him my most murderous glance. 

"I'm Maki Harukawa, and I'm the SHSL Child Caregiver." The teacher shoots me a knowing look as I silently congratulate myself on my last-minute thinking. "I like kids, but I hate the annoying ones," I say, looking straight at the gremlin. He grins broadly and responds, "Ooh, hate's such a strong word! Be careful, or else you'll hurt somebody's feewings." He pouts, exaggerating it to the point of ridiculousness. I calm myself down with the comforting image of him being crushed.

He stands up and introduces himself as Kokichi Ouma, the SHSL Supreme Leader, eliciting a loud groan from the back of the room. There sits a strawberry-blonde girl who appears to have made herself quite at home, with gizmos and gadgets littering the desk. She stretches and announces, "I'm Miu Iruma, the fantastic, fabulous, famous SHSL Inventor. I like robots, especially taking them apart." Someone cries, "That's robophobic!" Miu ignores them and carries on. "But what I dislike - with a passion - are people who think that they are better than they actually are." Kokichi sneers. "That's the pot calling the kettle black, sister." 

Their pointed little exchange is interrupted by Angie declaring who she is, and the introductions continue.

—Time Skip (yes, again)—

When we finally get out of class, I'm stopped by a dude with spiky hair and a jacket that defies all the laws of gravity. He grins, noticing me studying his jacket. "Like it?" 


"Oh, I dunno," he grins even wider. "D'you want to go work out with Saihara and me?" He nods over to a scrawny person in the corner. "Oh, I..." I trail off. His smile fades, just a little. "I-i mean," I stutter, "is that I'd love to! Sounds great!"

He brightens. "Awesome! Now lemme go tell Saihara!" He... didn't tell his friend before he invited me? Okay. Before he can take off, I tap his arm. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name during the introductions." "Oh, I'm Kaito. Nice ta meet ya, Maki!"

Hm. Doesn't seem this school year will suck quite as hard.

(Hi, it's the author. If it takes a long time for your request to publish, just know that I put down on paper before I write it out digitally. As I said before, I'm glad to do almost every prompt, so don't be afraid to ask. Oh, and sorry about no pictures. It's been glitching out on me the whole time.)

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