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Namjoon was driving his car, on his way to Y/n's school because it's near time she's getting out from class.

He parked his car just near the gate, his usual spot park for the place. He just wait scrolling through his phone, waiting to see students to get out from their classes.

He looked up the transparent glass, seeing such a high number of high school students coming out from the opening gate. His eyes are searching for his beloved babygirl. But he realized he couldn't see her. Yet.

6 minutes has passed, but Y/n's present still is not there. Then suddenly his hand vibrates, making Namjoon a bit frightened by it. He looked at the phone ID, it's unknown number. He just picked it up. "Yeobosaeyo?"

"Mrs. Kim? this is Y/n's homeroom teacher, Mrs. Kang," a female voice said in the line.

"Ah, Mrs. Kang. I'm still waiting for Y/n right now, by any chance do you know where is she?"

"That's what I was about to asked Mr. Kim, I thought she was going back home early,"

"Can you be specific?" Namjoon asked, impatiently.

"Y/n. I heard that Y/n was gone when she's going out from class, she was-"

"Alright that's enough, I'll be going thank you for telling me," he cut her off, almost immediately hang up.

They already got Y/n he thought.


Namjoon is rushing his self in the office. The boys looked at him with confuse look on their face.

"They got Y/n, Y/n was taken by them in school." Namjoon let out, worry expression drawn on his face.

"We'll just wait for their message, they will send us one with an unknown number soon. That's exo skill." Jin said, sitting on the leather chair.

"But what if they hurt her?!" Namjoon immediately asked, he look horrified.

"Then just leave them in my hands." Taehyung said, hand cracking his fingers.


"Hyung! They send the message!" Jimin shouted. Everyone gather in his office when Jimin announced that, and of course the first one to approach Jimin's office are Namjoon.

"What it says??" Hobi immediately asked as he got in second after Namjoon.

"I haven't opened it, wait," he motion his finger on the screen, probably tapping on the message.

His gasped, covering his mouth with his other hand, he can't really move, he's froze still.

Namjoon snatched the phone from Jimin's hand, moving the screen to his eyes.

"CUT THE MONEY, THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN," he show the screen to the others, making everyone clenching their jaw seeing it.

Your hands are tied up from the back, sitting in a miserable way, you were on your knees, blindfold and look lifeless, unconsciously. Your exposed legs covered with cuts and bloods, it's not bad as your last time but it still looks as bad as to Namjoon who's on the verge of killing someone with only his one hand that's in a strong fists.

"We are left with no other way. They make their ways now let's do this in our way."


A/N: I just got back from school, buT I have tEA, I was absent the other day and today my classmates just told me how my English teacher compliments me when I was not there, she even use my previous works for the class! I'm still blushing and fluttering about it. she even said she likes me because I'm such an impressive student, I love her so much 🥺😭😭♥️✨ please VOTE doe 😭

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