[ General Information ]
First Name: Eleanora
Middle Name: Lucille
Last Name: Greene
Blood Status: Muggle-Born
Date of Birth: February 3rd
House: Ravenclaw
Race: Caucasian
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Current Residence: Alfriston, East Sussex (small town outside of London), near James Potter's home
Relationship Status: Single
[ Physical Appearance ]
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 109 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Porcelain
Shape of Face: Oval
Distinguishing Features: n/a
Build of Body: Curvy
Hair Color: Dark Brown - Black
Hairstyle: Curly, Long
Complexion: Fair
Posture: Straight- Normal
Tattoo(s): None
Is Seen By Others As: Kind, Smart, Quiet until you get to know her
[ Personality ]
Likes: Spending time with friends and family, going to classes, reading, drawing
Dislikes: Bigotry, Bullying
Fears: Seeing her friends and family die, Voldemort
General Attitude: Happy
General Intelligence: Smart
General Sociability: Quiet until you get to know her
[ Health ]
Illnesses (if any): none
Allergies (if any): none
Sleeping Habits: normal, sleep talks sometimes
Energy Level: high
Eating Habits: high metabolism
Memory: good
[ History ]
Birth Country: England
Hometown: Alfriston, East Sussex (small town outside of London), near James Potter's home
Briefly Explain Life Story:
Eleanora grew up always feeling different, but not knowing why. Her parents were both lawyers, who worked often, but they loved and cared for Eleanora. When she was 11 and she found out that she was a witch, she was shocked to say the least. She was definitely nervous when she went to Hogwarts. She was never the type of person to talk a lot. She would rather be reading or drawing. She was sorted into Ravenclaw. She slowly started to make friends. She got to know the Marauders through time. They become more and more friends over time and are pretty close now. She has always been close to Sirius, but she never thought anything of it as she knew Sirius was rather known for being with many girls.
[ Relationships ]
Parents: both alive
Siblings: none
Any Enemies (if any): Deatheaters, Voldemort
Children: none
Friends: many
Best Friends: Arabella, Lilly, James, Sirius, Remus, Peter
Love Interest (if there is one): Sirius Black
[ Other ]
Favorite Type of Food: Pasta
Favorite Type of Drink: Tea, Butterbear
Hobbies/Past Times: Reading, Drawing
Talents: Drawing, Cooking
Pets: Her cat named Teddy
Favorite Colors: Blue and Purple