Izuku's Backstory; Earned Respect, Finale

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This chapter was supposed to come out three days ago but oh well! At least it is out now! Anyway, I just realized the title for this arc doesn't make sense. Izuku never really earned respect from his peers. He already had respect from Katsuki so I decided to make this final part of his backstory. Anyways, I just looked at my story after two weeks and see-

344 VIEWS?! THE FUCK?! WHEN- HOW- I don't know when or how this happened but thank you! I'm sorry that this chapter is late. I usually try and have it already grammar checked. BTW, Right now it is 2:40 am. By now I would have almost been done with this chapter and it would have been out by noon I sadly forgot to save my writing, therefore rewrite EVERYTHING! I'm not the type of person that likes to repeat stuff so, I hope you understand. Onto the story...

3rd Person POV From OC's Perspective

5 Minutes After the Fight Started...

During the time Katsuki and Izuku were fighting the older teens, three other teens from the boys' school were passing by the alleyways. Their names were Takewa, Itchitomo, and Tadashi. Tadashi was on his phone looking at social media and things from his school. This included assignments and clubs. Itchitomo and Takewa were just chatting about homework. They were on their way to Tadashi's home.

They all have unique quirks.

Tadashi's quirk is 'Hearing'. It's self-explanatory. He can hear practically anything as long as it is within a three-mile radius from him. This quirk sadly cannot be turned off or else Tadashi would be considered dead. It was an annoying quirk at first but, he eventually got used to it.

Itchitomo's quirk is 'Life Absorption.' He can lower someone's stamina by taking away some of their life force. What he does with the life force he took is up to him. He can either store it, give it back to the person, give it to another human being, or destroy it. The life force they have takes up to 2 weeks to replenish so the max amount of life force he can take is 30% of 100. If he were to take more than 30% the person would die or be put into very critical circumstances. The amount he can take, in order of self-defense, is 10%. This is enough to weaken the person and not have them put into fatal stances of life or death.

Lastly, Takewa's quirk. 'Fever.' The quirk is self-explanatory. Anyone he touches with gets every way to get rid of it is to take care of yourself. His quirk weakens immune systems. Once your sick from the impact of his quirk you take care of the sickness as if it were natural and the quirk will go away shortly after.

The group of three teens was just walking past some alleyways when Tadashi stopped. Takewa and Itchitomo were very confused because they were nowhere near Tadashi's house yet. Itchitomo was about to ask a question, "Hey, Tadashi? Why'd you-?", he was about to say 'stop?' but he got caught off by a violent, "Shh!" They did get an answer to why Tadashi stopped though. Tadashi spoke up again and said, "I hear a lot of grunting and arguing. I think there's a fight nearby?"

Tadashi said, "Wanna go check it out?"

The other two teens replied, "Sure."

3 Minutes Later...

The teens had finally reached the correct alleyway and they were very surprised to see two teenagers fighting two kids. The closer they looked the more familiar the children looked until it clicked. Itchitomo said, "That's the Deku and Katsuki!"

When Itchitomo said this Tadashi and Takewa struck up a conversation.

Takewa was the first to speak, "Hey Tadashi? Can you film it? That Deku thinks it's better than us. I wanna see it fail."

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