Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Megan’s P.O.V.

I watched him walk away quietly as I turned and went to get changed for bed. I put on my pyjamas, cleaned my teeth and brushed my hair, and then I went to lay down. I kept replaying every moment I had with Beau tonight, over and over again. He was so perfect. But what was I thinking, I had no idea what I was doing, but it felt so nice to have a guy actually seem just the slightest bit interested in me, but no, of course he wasn’t, I was just making up stupid things in my head, just like always.

Lying in bed, I gazed up at the ceiling, smiling to myself, slowly drifting away into a peaceful sleep, wasn’t until I just nodded off, I felt a soft vibration under my pillow. It was my phone. I reached under to check it, to find a text from Beau, already, it read “Thanks for a fun night, hope to see you soon, night night, Beau x”

I got all fuzzy inside just from reading his name. I put my phone back under my pillow after replying, then fell asleep.

Before I knew it, it was Monday morning all over again, and I couldn’t wait to get out the house and be around Rose, Laura and the twins. The week went surprisingly quick, that was until Wednesday afternoon.

We were all sat in the lunch hall, talking and laughing, just like normal, and then my phone buzzed. I picked it up and read a text from Beau “Hey Meg, you still up for tomorrow? x” I got all excited and the others noticed the smile that wiped across my face.

“What’s that all about?” Rose and Jai spoke at the same time.

I couldn’t really tell them the truth. Beau obviously hadn’t told the boys about our plans, otherwise I wouldn’t have heard the last of it all week, and it would be incredibly awkward if I just sprung it on them like this. The only person I felt safe telling was Rose, but I wasn’t going to do it now, so I replied…

“Oh it’s nothing, mum just texted me to tell me that my new shoes have arrived!” I lied.

Later on I got up to leave to the toilet. Laura didn’t look like she would be moving from beside Luke anytime soon, so I took this as my opportunity to talk to Rose. “Rose, come with me to the loo?” I said almost demanding, and she turned smiling and stood up.

We walked silently to the loo, before she burst with excitement. Making sure there was no one in the toilets she grabbed me, tugging on me shrieking “tell me everything!! Who is he!?... Do I know him!?!?”

I couldn’t help but laugh at her, I loved that we had become so close now, that she knew when I was lying.

I told her everything, about the ride home with Beau and our plans, and it wasn’t until she asked me what I replied, that I realised I hadn’t texted him back, so with her help, we put together a small text that read…

“Hey, yeah I am totally still up for tomorrow if you are, do you want to come pick me up just after school finishes, so I can change out of uniform? x”

We had almost an immediate response, and we both giggled excitedly when my phone went off, the text said, “Yeah, that’s fine hun, I’ll see you then :)x”

Me and Rose walked back to the others, I made her promise not to tell Jai or Luke, but she was fine with that and she understood, besides it wasn’t anything big. Beau was just taking me for a drive around Melbourne, so I could familiarise myself and visit all the places I hadn’t seen yet.

“Took you time” Laura spoke, as we went to sit back down, “They obviously both needed massive shits,” Luke said, which made us all laugh, and he sat back grinning to himself, pleased with his joke.

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