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*Sophia's POV*

So here I am, standing at the airport, with my bag in one hand and my plane ticket in the other...

It's all for him, it's for the best, I have to go

I felt fresh tears threatening to fall from my eyes but I held them back, I have to be strong for him, for Lucca...
I love him with all my heart, and leaving him, my family and friends behind is killing me right now, but they wouldn't understand...

I then heard my flight number being called out

Well, here goes nothing, it's time for a fresh start, I hope he forgives me for this, I hope he knows how much I love him and that I'm doing this for his own good.

I boarded the plane and sat in my seat located by the window, I looked outside and saw the beautiful land... This will be my last day here in Italy.

I leaned back in my seat, closed my eyes shut and sighed as I started to think back to the first day I met Lucca...


Oh fuck! I'm going to be late for homeroom...

I ran on my way to school, I was a senior at Hudson Crade High school, it was my first day of Senior year and I couldn't be late... Stephanie and Maxine are probably wondering where I am.

I ran and stopped on the sidewalk as I spotted my school's building.

"I made it, thank God" I sighed and looked up at the sky for a second then began running across the road until a shiny black car came to an abrupt stop in front of me.

I held my chest in shock and relief as a tall, muscular man stepped out and removed his sun glasses.

"Are you okay?" The gorgeous stranger with sleek brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes asked, judging by his attire and fancy car I'd say he's a business man just like my dad...

"Yeah I'm fine, just running late for class, so um- yeah, anyways I really gotta go, bye" I began walking only to be stopped by a hand on my wrist, I saw the man staring at me intently, he looked older... Late 20's? Or around early 30's, I wasn't sure.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes I'm fine, now if you'll excuse me... I have to get going sir" I bit out and tried to get my arm free from his grip which in result, just tightened, not the type of tight that would hurt... But his grip was really firm.

"Ok, but quick question, what is your name sweetheart?" He smirked... Ok...

"Sophia... Now may I please get going? I'm going to be really late for class" I asked getting slightly annoyed.

He chuckled
"Sophia... Well watch where you're running next time Sophia, in fact don't run, walk... It's more safer and should result in you getting to school without being run over, oh and by the way I'm Lucca" He smirked

"Okay, Thank you... Lucca, well, I really have to get going...So see you around, bye" I got out of his grip and made my way onto the school grounds, not before quickly glancing back to see Lucca wink at me from inside his car then drove away...

Oh my- he was so handsome, talk about major hunk alert, Steph and Max would go crazy once they hear about this.
**End of flashback**

I opened my eyes and didn't even realise I had been crying... Goodbye mom, dad, Pablo (my older brother), Steph and Max... I'll miss you guys, and of course... Goodbye Lucca, I'll always love you baby.

I closed my eyes once again and soon sleep took over me as I was on my way to my new destination, my new life...

New York. God help me.

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