Chapter 1

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** 2 years later**

--Sophia on top 👆👆👆

*Sophia's POV*

It's been 2 years since my move to New York, things have been going rather well, I got a job as a librarian, the pay is good enough to put food on the table and to buy new clothes. Of course not for expensive items though.

I live in an apartment with my roommate AKA my new friend Jason Monroe, I met him when I first moved here, he offered me a place and said we could split the rent, of course at first I was skeptical at sharing an apartment with a guy I've never met before, but then I got to know that Jason was gay. We got to know each other more and became closer, now we're like best friends.

Jason know about my situation back in Italy, he is literally the only person I could tell, I can definitely say that I trust Jason. He really sympathised with me.

Anyways, now I'm sitting in our living room, in a Llama pajama top and pink shorts watching 'Friends' on TV and waiting for Jason to be back with our food. He went out to buy some Chinese.

Just then the front door had burst open and in walked my best friend.

"I got the food babes!" He screamed from the kitchen and I laughed.

I got up and went into the kitchen to see Jason unpacking the food and setting them out one by one.

"Yum, thank-a-youuuu Jasy" I smiled at him.

"You're very welcome Sophi-Wofi" we both laughed at our goofiness.

We grabbed our food and went into the lounge to go sit down and eat, we resumed watching Friends and Chandler was plucking Joey's eyebrows, we laughed so hard making jokes and comments throughout the night. After 10more episodes, we soon became tired.

"Come on Jase, it's late babes and we got work tomorrow" I patted his leg and he whined like a little boy who has to go to school tomorrow

"Ughhhhh you're so boring" He groaned

Jason was handsome, very muscular and perfectly tanned, he had dirty blonde hair but he dyed it brown, if I hadn't known better you'd think he would be your typical jock-type with chocolate brown eyes and a jaw line to die for, he was really gorgeous...But of course not as gorgeous as my Lucca.

I miss him

"Hey hey hey, I know that face, what's wrong babes?" Jason took my hand looking at me with concern.

"I just miss him so much Jase" I sulked sadly looking down at my lap.

"Awww come on now, heyyyy baby don't worry you'll see him again, he just doesn't know the type of situation you're in right now" He comforted me and gave me a hug.

This is what I loved so much about Jason, he always knew exactly what to do and how to comfort me when I needed him. I just sometimes wish it were Lucca who was here doing all of the comforting.

"I guess you're right, anyways let's go to bed" I got up then pulled him up by his arms and we went to his room. I didn't want to think about my situation further, it would just make me feel more depressed.

We have separate rooms, but sometimes when one of us feels down or needs the other we sleep in that person's room, we have a close friendship, other people would think we'd be dating by the way we act, but in reality we're just best friends who love each other like siblings, my guy bestie and I.

We cuddled and Jason began singing our 'happy' song... We made it up about a year ago when Jason got in a car accident, I was crying so much because I was worried and was near to having a panic attack.

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