Chapter 16

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*Sophia's POV*

"Excuse me?" I asked getting slightly pissed off, he can't tell me what to do when he has a fucking kid with someone else

"You heard me, you're not going anywhere" he said in a hard tone and walked inside to go get the cutlery

This asshole

I went in to follow him and argue with him again, I'm not going to cancel my plans with Ryan, that's for sure...

"You can't tell me what to do Lucca" I said in a stern voice

He grabbed the cutlery from the top shelf and turned around to glare at me

"You're not going with that guy Sophia and that's final" then he walked past me and I groaned following him out

"His just a friend for god's sake Lucca, you have a child with another woman, I'm letting you go out and fuck her, so why can't I just go out with Ryan" He quickly put down the cutlery and walked over to me possessively grabbing my arms

"Listen to me, and listen carefully, you are not going with that guy, if you do, I'll fucking make sure he knows who his dealing with, now I'm sure you wouldn't want your 'friend' to get hurt, so you better stay away from him and any other male that's not Jason, this is a warning baby, better keep that in mind" he growled at me

"Fuck you!, I'll do whatever I want, go fuck someone else over and see if I give a shit" I spat at him

"I won't be fucking anyone else but you baby, god Sophia, you need to trust me, I promise, you'll know the truth as soon as I find out what it is" he sounded frustrated

"You have already broken my trust, what makes you think I'll ever trust you again?" I glared at him

"I-" he got cut off by my dad

"Food is ready!, did you guys set up everything yet?" Papa yelled from the window

"Yes Papa!, we just finishing up actually..." I ripped myself out of Lucca's grip and walked away setting up the glasses and napkins, while Lucca set out the plates, along with the forks and steak knives

Lucca still had a frown on his face... soon my parents came out with the food and we all sat down to eat

The table was round so we all had a perfect view of each other's faces, Lucca kept on glancing my way as we all ate in silence, my mom probably sensed the tension and dropped her fork abruptly down on her plate causing us all to look in her direction

"Okay, what is wrong with the two of you?, Lucca you look like you want to jump over this table to confront Sophia about something and Sophia... You look irritated with something or someone " my mom glared at the both of us while papa looked curious

"Nothing is wrong mama, We just had a small argument about... House stuff"

Really Sophia?? House stuff... Oh my god that was such a lame excuse

"Stronzate (bullshit) Lucca what's bothering you?" she looked at Lucca now

Lucca just glanced up at me then at my mom

"Nothing is wrong ma, just some house stuff" he shrugged and continued eating

"You both are lying... I will get to the bottom of this" she declared and went back to eating, but still glared at us while doing so... I looked at papa and he was now looking between me and Lucca with narrowed eyes

"Lucca what did you do?" he asked Lucca so suddenly, Lucca choked on a piece of his meat, my dad patted his back while Lucca drank some water to calm himself down

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