Rachael - Futile Flirting

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Anakin Skywalker x reader

P.S- I haven't watched Star Wars in a while so this may contradict the cannon, if something doesn't make sense let me know.

Star Wars


You feel the ache in your muscles and the strap of your bag digging into the skin of your shoulders as you trek your way back to the apartment building where you and Anakin shared a home. The two of you had been in a secret relationship for about a year and a half and you had just recently moved in together.

You hadn't actually spent a night there yet because the day the two of you had moved in, you were called in last minute to fill a spot on a month 2 month long expedition as the person who was supposed to go got sick last minute.

This was the longest you had been away from your boyfriend and you had missed him like no other, the thought of you and him cuddling and the warmth of his arms had been the only thing to keep you going on that mission. You were utterly touch starved and would find yourself wearing the shirt he gave you during the night to have some familiarity and comfort during these difficult missions.

You walked into the lobby of the building as you shuffled yourself into the small metal elevator. You were far too tired and your feet hurt to much to even attempt making the trek up the stairs, you knew it would be a futile effort and would end up in you most likely passing out.

The elevator music played lightly in the background as you leaned against one of the walls encompassing you. You could feel the elevator move upward as the small metal box ascended to your floor where your lover was waiting for you.

You could feel the excitement bubbling up inside you as the ding of arrival hit your ears and the large metal doors in front of you slowly pulled apart, revealing the long, small hallway. The lights flickered on and off as you made your way down the hallway to your apartment, and you sense that someone else is there.

You opened the door to see Padmé doing a flirty giggle while holding onto Anakin's arm, you feel a brush of jealousy build up within you but brush it off as you didn't have the context to the whole situation.

You placed your bag down at the side and walk over to the pair, moving towards Anakin for a kiss but remembering the fact that Padmé was there and would report your relationship if she found out. Instead you opted to grab his attention by walking over to the sink in front of him to grab a glass of water, pouring the liquid and drinking it rather loudly.

Though it didn't grab Anakin's attention it grabbed Padmé's who gave you a glare "hello Padmé," you said, putting on a fake voice as to not reveal your jealousy.

She straightened her previously relaxed posture and said "when did you get here?" her tone obviously hinting that you were not welcome and 'you need to leave'.

You placed the glass down on the counter and said "I'm his roommate, though it's understandable you didn't know as the day we were supposed to move in I got pulled away on an emergency mission," you explained to her, you responding with a'no actually I don't' tone.

Anakin didn't even turn to look at you "hey," was all he said to you before going back into his conversation with Padmé before. You felt your jealousy boil up again subconsciously letting your emotions slip to Anakin who didn't even acknowledge it, instead just putting his walls up having your jealously hit you with a slap in the face.

You walked over to the couch and sat down, letting out a slightly audible huff and you fold your arm, annoyed at how your boyfriend has continuously ignored you to hang out with Padmé instead, who seemed to be gloating as you could practically feel her pride and satisfaction at the knowledge that he chose her over you.

You grabbed the TV remote and put on the telly, choosing a channel and watching it making sure the put the volume on louder than usual to annoy the pair who were practically going on a date in front of you. You felt the satisfaction of revenge when you could feel the pairs eyes stare into your back. You didn't care about Padmé's but you had finally grabbed Anakin's attention, which is what you really wanted out of all of this.

The pair went back to their conversation but more loudly this time. You felt you anger increase drastically as you secretly listened into their conversation "you have such nice hair Anakin," Padmé said her tone a few octaves higher than usual

"well thank you Padmé," he said, his tone unreadable to you. You turned up the volume once more, as you felt the tightness grow in your chest, and the lump in your throat hurt even more. You tried your best to ignore Anakin and Padmé but everytime you upped the volume, they upped their tone.

After you brought the volume up once more you felt a hand squeeze your shoulder, "I've had enough of your petty jealousy, your disrupting my conversation so can you go away," he said, his tone annoyed and seething. You felt a tear go down your cheek and you whisper back "fine I just wanted to be welcomed home by my boyfriend but it seems he's found someone else while I was away, have fun fucking Padmé," you said, before turning the TV off, standing up and walking into 'your' bedroom, slamming the door behind you.

You flop yourself onto the bed, hot tears falling down your face as you let out chocked sobs into the pillow. You were so excited to start your new life with Anakin and to just relax and have a first good night together but it's been ruined. He completely ignored you as if you weren't even that important to him.

As you continued to sob you felt you body become increasingly more tired, and the urge to sleep becomes increasingly more prevalent. You felt your sobs lessen as you let yourself fall into a deep sleep, forgetting the drama that just took place, instead having one of those sleeps where you don't dream at all.

You awoke to feel a dip in the bed and could feel the force of Anakin behind you. You kept your eyes closed as he placed a hand on your shoulder "I know your awake," he said, his previously harsh tone, now soft and with a hint of guilt "what do you want?" you asked, your voice hoarse from the crying as you let out a sniffle "I wanna apologise about last night I was in the wrong and shouldn't have snapped at you.

You ignored his apology, letting out a huff snuggling yourself back under the covers. You felt him leave the bed, assuming he was going to leave and come back when you were in a mood to talk.

You were sorely mistaken when you felt two hands grab your ankles and pull you off the end of the bed, causing a scream to escape your lips when you came off completely and fell into Anakin's lap, coming face to face with his arrogant smirk.

"come on darling, talk to me," he said, his arms wrapping around your waist, keeping you stuck to him. You gave him an upset pout and said "you flirted with her in front of me," your tone was grumpy and babyish which drew a laugh out of him "I'm serious! It really hurt my feelings!" you said, raising your voice in frustration at him not taking you seriously.

He shook his head, stopping his laughter as he pressed his forehead against yours "I'm sorry darling I should have payed more attention to you, and to clarify she was flirting with me, I did not flirt back nor did I give her a compliment," you let out a sigh pulling away slightly

"still, you chose her over me," he immediately used both his hands to cup your face before making you face him "never," he said, his tone void of all jokingness. You looked at him, the upset and belief that he was going to leave you washing away, knowing that the way he said that one word was serious and that in his mind you were more important than anyone he knew.

Eventually after a few seconds you said "still sleeping on the couch for now," he let out a laugh and gave you a kiss on the lips "only if you let me cuddle with you in the mornings," you take his hand in yours and said "deal," he brought your hand up to his lips and gave it a quick peck before standing up with you in his arms and moving back into the bed where the two of you lay down and began to cuddle letting the silence between you sit comfortably.

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