Hottest Topic - Chloe

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Steve X Reader

He had started off small. At first it was changing his gym sessions to be the same as yours or joining you on your morning jogs. It gradually progressed. 'Accidental' hand grazes, bumping into each other in the hall, assigning you as his partner on missions. Then it started to branch out into your personal lives. Steve asked you to accompany him to almost every party of Tony's, he always asked if you wanted to have dinner with him. Still, he never had the guts to ask you on a proper date.

"Do you think he knows that he's really obvious?" You ask Natasha as you rummage through the dresses in her wardrobe. The red head shrugs, leans back against her silk bed sheets.

"It's Steve, nothing about the man is subtle." You chuckle as you pull a red dress off of a hanger. You turn to Nat, dress held against you. She smiles, offers a thumbs up, "Try it on, keep it if you like it."

You grin like a child being offered unlimited candy. "I love it." The dress was a red, satin v-neck with spaghetti straps and a high slit. Nat watches you study the dress. Your eyes flick between the fabric underneath your fingers and yourself. "Do you think Steve will like it?" You ask the question before thinking about it. A smirk slides onto Nat's lips as she props herself up on her elbows.

"You've never asked that question before." You don't meet her eyes, knowing that if you do you'll match the colour of the dress. "Steve will love it, Tony will probably also love it. Trust me, Steve is obsessed with you."

"Well, I know the last part. He's followed me around like a lost puppy for the last couple of months. Not that I mind."

Natasha rolls her eyes. "Oh, I know. All we talk about is Steve."

"It's a hot topic, like, a really hot topic."

"Ladies, if you don't hurry your asses up, you're gonna be late for my party." You roll your eyes as Tony chirps through the door. Natasha shakes her head.


The bar was where you spent most of your time at Tony's parties. The drinks were free, endless and you had become friends with bartender over time. Music booms from multiple speakers built into the walls. Stark Tower buzzed with chatter. The top floor lights up like an overpowered lightbulb. The room vibrates under the slamming of feet, everyone dancing makes the room shake. A man slides into the chair next to you. He looks down at you, a smile on his lips. The suit dressing his body was a deep shade of blue, one that matched his eyes. Unlike Steve's, they looked cold and vacant. Nothing about them drew you in.

"I'm Chance." He taps the bar with two fingers, Liam, the bartender grabs a glass and pours some bourbon. Clearly, he had been here before.

"(y/n)." You responds, disinterested. Chance eyes you up, those blue irises linger on the slit of your dress and the show being given by the low-cut v-neck. It was at times like this that you wished Steve was here. Sure, you were an Avenger and could kill the guy next to you without blinking. But, you weren't on a mission and this guy wasn't your target. You were his.

He places a hand on your waist, you don't move away. "You here alone?"

"No." You meet his gaze.

"Who you here with?"

You smile past him, eyes landing on someone nearing the bar. Steve's eyes narrow as he looks between you and Chance. How you loved those eyes. Those eyes alone gave Steve your heart. They were pools of tropical water, not some shoddy sea poisoned by pollution like the man's gripping you waist. They were warm, full of love and concern. "She's here with me." Chance looks over his shoulder, ready to scoff before his eyes land on the man behind him.

"Captain Rogers. . . hi." Steve smirks down at the man who lowers his eyes and takes his hand off of your waist. Chance turns back to you, smiles one last time. "I'll see you some other time."

Steve slides into Chances place, he raises a brow. You chuckle as you watch the man rush over to the other side of the building, as far away from the two of you as he possibly could. "Something tells me that you intimidated him." You grin up at Steve. His fingers drum against the bar, blue irises map your face illuminated by gold and red lights. You take the time to give Steve a once over. As perusal not a hair was out of place. His shirt was grey and tight, the fabric struggling to stretch over his shoulders.

"Tony and I were talking." He says as Liam places, what was Chances drink, down on the bar. You take it with a smile.

"Hmm, probably something inappropriate." You look over the rim of the glass at a chuckling Steve. The sound of his laugh makes your heart flutter and your face flush a warm pink. Luckily, the lights hide your flustered state over something so minor.

"Actually, he said you think i'm a hot topic, in fact, i'm the hottest topic." You choke on your drink.

Steve dotes on you like a mother, you raise a finger as you place the glass down on the bar. "Imma kill him." Steve keeps you still, his hand acting like an anchor. You look away from Steve, hunting Tony down. The billionaire waves at you from his spot in-between a group of woman on the other side of the room. You mime killing him, he rolls his eyes. "What else did he say?"

"That I'm obvious." His free hand gently grips your chin, turning your head to face him. "I'm obvious for a reason."

"If thats the case, why don't you just ask me to be yours?"

"I'm about to, give me a second." You swallow hard, eyes widen ever so slightly. Steve smiles, noting the blush you hoped was hidden. He takes a step closer, your chest meet. "Will you be mine?"

You grin like an idiot. "Yes."

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