Same But Different - Chloe

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Stiles Stilinski/Void X Reader

It wasn't exactly a match made in heaven, in fact, it wasn't really a match made in hell either. No one saw it coming, no one had probably even put the two together in their head while their mind wonders during a particularly boring lesson.

Stiles Stilinski was no golden child, a halo would probably never glow over his head of shaggy, brown hair. Still, he wasn't far from perfect, at least not in the eyes of his friends. And especially not in your own.

To you, Stiles was like a stroke of luck, a four leaf clover in the middle of a field of everything green. He was unique, nothing like anything you had seen before. Even in a world of supernatural messes.

Then there was you. Most were afraid of you, no claws needed to make them turn, run the other way. Just the way you walked sent a shiver down the skinniest boys back, made the girls with too long eyelashes blush through their layers of foundation.

You definitely aren't a bully, in fact, you were practically a recluse in a world full of out-goers. Maybe it was the fact you wore black, head to toe, each piece of cotton and denim darker than the last. You could blend in with the night sky. Lydia said it was midnight camouflage.

Plus, you always looked ill, paler than most, and not in a natural way. Your skin usually held a shade of grey, a bruising purple below your eyes which just looked dead. In fact, your parents, when they had been alive, used to compare you to a corpse.

How charming.

Still, you had been looking a lot better in recent times. Your eyes though, they always remained lifeless, a sky without stars.

Stiles didn't seem to mind, not one bit. He made that clear each morning when he greeted you with a kiss and an offering of his hand. Especially at a time like now, Stiles cared less and less about what people thought about the pair of you. He needed you more than ever.

It had been days since you had last seen that mole speckled boy and his head of hedgehog hair. He had disappeared, a whisper in the wind. You were terrified, especially since he wasn't himself. Scott hadn't left your side, deeming it to be too dangerous. If Stiles would show up at anyones door, it would be yours.

You had insisted you didn't need protecting, demonstrating with a little too much force how well you knew to defend yourself. Let's just say that Scott's still getting over that blow to the abdomen.

All of your free time had been used to look for Stiles, you had hardly attended school. If anyone could find Stiles it would be you or Scott, no one knew him better than the pair of you.

"I'm here, I'm here. What's wrong, who died?" You ask as you rush into Scott's house, confused when you bump into more people than you expected. Gasping, you edge closer to Stiles who sits in a chair, mouth covered by tape, arms bound.

Stiles' face lights up, but it's obvious it isn't him. The eyes aren't the same, they don't reflect the same light or joy. He says something, voice muffled by the sticky black sealing his lips. You sigh, walk closer, pinch the edge of the tape between your fingers.

Scott grabs your wrist, holding you in place. "Be careful."

You wrench your arm away, roll your eyes and pull back the tape. A smirk is the first thing you see and, strangely, it's rather pleasant. His tongue darts out, wetting his lips as he leans his head back, gives you a once over.

"Hey, Baby." Voice soft like velvet but no less venomous than the deadliest snake. You smile, sigh through tight lips.

He looked so innocent but you knew otherwise, and had seen first hand the pain he could cause. Everyone watches you like a hawk, waiting for you to slip up, release the nogitsune into the world. "Void, sweetheart, don't call me that."

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