Rachael - Protective

200 4 1

Thor x Reader



You enter the kitchen with a smile on your face greeting all the present members of the avengers. Tony, who drinking coffee in the kitchen, nodded in your direction, Pepper was there too, eating breakfast with Peter, Natasha and Clint who were all sat at the table. You assumed Steve was out on a run with Bucky and Sam, as per their usual schedules.

"morning everyone," you say in a upbeat tone. They all greeted you with a smile "what's on the agenda today?" you ask moving to the kitchen to grab the bread from the cupboard. Opening the two mini doors, you see boxes of Poptarts sitting there, butterflies entered your stomach knowing there was only one person in the Avengers who ate poptarts.

"yeah don't eat those, Thor came last night and it was the only thing he wanted to eat," Tony said to you in his usual sarcastic tone. Your stomach twisted in nervousness at this information. You had developed a crush on the God since you met him, but you assumed he didn't like girls like you.

You would consider yourself below average in the attractiveness scale. You were chubby, had cellulite and stretchmarks for days. You assumed Thor would be into skinny supermodels who didn't have a flaw on their skin, not below girls like yourself, so you did what you do best and repress you feelings and hide them from the world and yourself.

"oh okay, where is he anyway?" you ask faking a nonchalant voice. Natasha sees right through your act and smirks "he's in the gym, why do you ask?" she says her voice incredibly insinuating and accusing. You fight back your need to blush and quickly come up with an excuse "um... no reason, just nosey," you say trying to shrug it off

"mood," says Peter eating his cereal. Nat makes a suspecting hum and narrows her eyes at you, which you avoid. You grab the bread and pop in into the surprisingly large toaster with 10 slots. Tony built it because most of you all in the morning eat toast or some toastable food and he was fed up with the arguing so he made a large one so you could all use it at once.

Just as you were putting the bread into the toaster, the elevator door opened with a ding. You turned around to see Thor striding towards the kitchen "don't start the toaster yet! I want to put some pop tarts in," he said as he grabs a box of them and opens a pack coming over towards the toaster.

He comes up from behind you, his chest flush against your back, your head resting up against his shoulder. He gently puts the pop tarts in some free toaster slots and starts the toaster "thank you for waiting lady Y/N," he says whispering in your ear.

You look down in embarrassment, the blush finally creeping up on your cheek "it's no problem really, you were right there and it's just some toast," Thor smiles at you kindly, looking up when the toaster pops.

"ooo, my toast," you say going to grab it. Before you could grab your toast Thor swatted your hand away "what..?" you look at him as he looks down at you with concern

"You could burn your hand Lady Y/N, human skin is quite delicate, let me," he said taking your toast on your plate for you "yeah Y/N, how would ever recover if you burn your wikkle hands on the toast, let the God do it for you" Tony said trying his best not to laugh at you

"shut it Stark," you snapped at him, shooting a glare his way. Tony took a few steps back, holding his hands up in surrender "alright, geez calm down," he said before letting out a snort and joining Pepper at the table.

You spread your favourite kind of Jam on the toast and pick the plate up, turning to Thor and giving him a peck on the cheek "I appreciate the thought Thor, but next time I can get my own toast," you say to the God with a smile. Thor frowns but nods turning to get his poptarts

"yeah Thor Y/N's a big girl now, she can get her own toast, she rides on two wheels," Tony said with a smirk, causing the other Avengers in the room in to burst out into giggles. You roll your eyes and plop down on an empty seat, Thor sitting down next to you, ignoring the teases of Tony and the others and eating your toast and chatting with Thor, catching up on what the other missed during these past few months.

You walked down the street with Thor not far behind you. You turned to look at him and said "you didn't need to come with me ya know, I can handle it myself," Thor gave you his typical puppy like smile and said "based on how I've seen women been treated in this world with the 'cat calling' I think it's best you have a companion,"you smiled at him and said

"well thank you for the protection Thor, I really appreciate it," you said smiling gratefully at him. Not paying attention to where you were going you trip over and hurt yourself. "ow!" you say rubbing your knee which you grazed.

Thor's eyes widened and in an instant he was at your side cradling the leg which you hurt "are you hurt, your bleeding, does it hurt badly?" he asks you, it all coming out in a blur. You open your mouth to respond but he unintentionally interrupts you "you shouldn't walk on that, here let me carry you," he said, reaching out to carry you

"Thor stop!" he stops immediately and looks at you confused and upset. You take a deep breath and calm down "you know I appreciate you protecting me but I am a big girl, I'm an adult and can look after myself," Thor nodded and stood up helping you to your feet.

"I apologise Lady Y/N, I feel... strongly about you and seeing you get hurt brings up an unhealthy amount of worry," your butterflies fluttered again, stronger this time

"I... I feel strongly about you too Thor, but I thought I wasn't good enough for you," you say looking at him your lips slightly parted. He frowned and said "what do you mean?" you smile

"I mean you are a literal God and I am... well me," Thor seemed to catch on to what you were saying "Y/N, you are beautiful, I love your body, please don't hold yourself to what you perceive to be the standards of others, love yourself for who you are okay," he says to you. You look at him and nod shyly.

He smiles gently down at you as he cups your cheek with one of his hands "good," he says as he leans down and kisses you, gently but passionately. You return the kiss and smile into it.

You both pull away gasping for breath "I don't mind you being a little protective, but not too much," you say to him smiling like a mad man. Thor nods before pulling you into another kiss, which you didn't mind. Not at all.

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