Chapter 4: What he doesn't know won't hurt him, right ?

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*skip to day before Megan's birthday*

Megan's POV:
'oh fuck, I turn 18 tomorrow,' I think to myself as I slowly crawl out of bed. It's Monday, great. At least my birthday isn't on a Monday. That would kind of suck.
I looked out my window and saw it looked sunny so I grabbed an Obey T-shirt and some shorts with my navy blue bra and matching panties from VS. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and hair and got an apple.
anyway, I talked to Kalin the other day about the tour through facetime. I wasn't able to go to his house and he claimed that he couldn't come over so I facetimed him instead, for 6 hours. That's the thing with Kalin though, when you talk to him about something he LOVES, he can't stop talking about it. His eyes, as sparkly and green as they are, REALLY sparkle when he talks about the music and the tour. It really puts me in awe. I almost got caught staring at his eyes a few times but I mean come on it was also like 2 in the morning. Saturdays are horrible for me to stay up late on - I do all of my chores and errands on Sundays so I wake up early on Sunday too. I don't go to church, but I do just about anything else on Sundays.
The thing is I haven't talked to Kalin since the facetime call, but no biggie since I'll probably see him tomorrow.
I hope he didn't get me anything. I hate when he buys me stuff. I can never return the favor, I always write a poem or buy him ice cream - but he never complains. Kalin knows that I only write to people that I care about. I wrote a poem to Myles a few times, but I've always had one for Kalin for many occassions. I have one for every birthday and Christmas since we were 13 - that's when I got into poetry and writing. I kind of miss my little Kal.
'wonder what Kalin's doing.' I think to myself. Maybe I'll go talk to Myles for once, I rarely talk to him since they were on tour for 3 months.

Kalin's POV:
"..I can read yo body languageeee..."
My alarm plays as I realize it's 8 in the morning on Monday. I usually hit the gym on Mondays just to keep in shape. I get out of bed and wash my face and brush my teeth. I then grab some cereal and an apple, the keys, and my gym bag. 15 minutes later I'm at the gym and work out my core and legs and a little bit of arms for an hour and a half. I take a shower there, just to save time. I leave the gym and realize it's only 10:30. I decide to go to the mall and see if I can get Megan anything else for her birthday tomorrow. LUCKILY, I already bought her shoes last week so that I wouldn't forget to get them. I walk into Bath and Body (yes, I had the balls to look in that store for my BEST FRIEND) and got her some lotion. She loves that Pink Chiffon scented one and I love the smell when she wears it too. I got her the matching perfume since she likes that scent so much.
I paid for the stuff and walked out, realizing I spent half an hour to buy Megan LOTION. I decide to drop the stuff off at home and put it in a bag to go with her shoes. I wrap it and sit back on the bed and see that it's been an hour, so it's now 11:30. I decide to take a nap and get a late lunch when I wake up, so I set an alarm for 2 just in case I don't wake up earlier.

Megan's POV:
'I mean, I gotta get him SOMETHING. But what will he like ?' I think hard for a minute.. BUBBLE TEA !
I park and walk into Quickly's. I paid for Myles' drink and walk back to my car. I start to head toward the studio, since it's 5 minutes from Quickly's, Myles' favorite.
'I hope today is fun' I think to myself.

Myles' POV:
(this is new)

I was just chillin' in the studio making a new beat when I faintly hear my phone vibrating. I pick it up and see that Megan is calling me. I stop what I'm doing and answer the phone.
phone call:
Meg: hey Myles !
My: what's up Meg, long time no see.
Meg: haha yeah, sorry about that. what are you up to ?
My: just making some beats in the studio, why ?
Meg: I was wondering if we could hang out ? I mean long time no talk, right ?
My: yeah, just give me 10 minutes and meet me here okay ?
Meg: sounds good, see you soon !

man, I missed Megan. she's kind of like this little ball of sunshine. I mean, I know she has a little thing with Kalin since they've been best friends since diapers, but I've known Megan since Kalin introduced me to her 6 years ago. I know enough about Megan to know she's beautiful and that I would help her with anything.
I freshen up and walk out just in time to see Megan pull up in her little white Corolla. I open the door and she hands me a thai tea.
"you know me too well Meg," I tell her as we leave the studio parking lot.
We head out and go to a park just a few minutes away from Megan's school, 10 minutes from the studio.
I ran out of my seat right before she stopped completely in her parking space and I opened the door for her. I caught her slightly blushing at my gesture; I mean, it was the least I could do. Then she grabbed a blanket that she had in the trunk and two bottles of water.
We found a shaded area and laid the blanket out for us to sit on.
I'm glad she came out to hang out with me. We rarely talk anymore.
We were just watching the clouds after we sat down so I decided to talk first.
"so how are you ?" I say after a few minutes of that comfortable silence.
"I'm okay, how's the music and beats coming along ?" she asks me. I'm not supposed to talk about it since Kalin wanted to do a little snippet kind of thing for Megan's birthday tomorrow.
"oh it's kind of a struggle, I can't really figure out how to give it that little flavor it needs," I tell her, trying to change the subject.
"oh I hope it comes along" she tells me. PHEW. Usually she tries to get me to play it for her or Kalin to sing something from a new song for a preview but we never budge.
In reality, I just need to tweak it a little before it's done. But, everyone deserves a little break. I'll just look over it before I sleep tonight. It's only 12 so I have some time to lok at it.
"haha thanks. well on another note, isn't someone going to be legal tomorrow ?" I tell her, trying to make it look like I just realized it. Don't worry, I got her an actual gift even though she hates gifts. They're just a pair of Sk8-hi's. I know she has the all white and regular black vans but I mean come on she should have a pair to match, with me.
"oh shut up, just cause you're old doesn't mean you gotta mention everyone else's birthday Myles" she half states half jokes with me.
I playfully hit her arm and make a shocked face as I hear her call me old. "it's only 4 years Meg, it's not that much," I tell her.
"fine fine, oldie" she calls me and laughs and flashes me her perfectly white smile. I love her smile..
'Do I have feelings for her ? I mean, she's Kalin's best friend as well as mine, but I can't cross that line...'
'Unless, she crosses it for me.' I think to myself. what if I make her want me over Kalin ? A little messed up, I know. But I just have to give her a little more attention so it's not TOO obvious.
I gotta make a move before Kalin does, especially with his song tomorrow. 'I'll invite her over, I mean we can talk about the tour right ?'
"hey Meg, do you wanna go get some food and we can chill at my house ?" I ask her. Jake is out with Dom for the day; they've been inseperable since we got back a few days ago. Mom's out with Starlah for a girl's day so she won't be back til later.
"sure, Chipotle ?" she asks me, flashing that gorgeous smile. I know Megan knows I love Chipotle's tacos, that's why she offered.
"alright let's go !" I tell her, since she picked me up she's driving. We get back to the car and head to Chipotle, which is (luckily) not that far from my house. We order our food, my tacos and her burrito bowl, and head to my house.

Megan's POV:
We just got to Myles' house and I just parked the car. I grab our food and Myles opens the door for me.
'He's always been a little gentleman' I think to myself as I feel my cheeks turn a slight pink at his gesture. I walk in and it's quiet.
"Myles why is it quiet ?" I ask him.
"Oh Jake's out with Dom and my mom is with Kalin's mom" he tells me.
"that makes sense, anyway I'm hungry" I tell Myles.
"you know, you kind of remind me of Kalin, the food part at least." he tells me, in a joking tone.
"thanks ?" I half question Myles' observation, although I DO eat a lot, just not as much as Kalin.
We finish our food and the bottles of water and sit on the couch. Myles turns the TV on and foodnetwork comes on.
"DON'T CHANGE IT" I half yell at Myles as I notice it's about 'Unique Sweets.'
"alright, alright we'll watch the desserts geez" Myles tells me, making me laugh.

Myles' POV:
"DON'T CHANGE IT" Megan half yells at me once I turn the TV on.
"alright, alright we'll watch the desserts geez" I tell Megan as I see her laugh. She has an adorable laugh. I could hear her laugh forever.
We watch half an hour of 'Unique Sweets' and Megan looks kind of bored. Well, not BORED, but a little confused. I mean, she hasn't been over since before the tour a few months back, so it's kind of new for her still.
"Do you wanna go up to my room ?" I ask her, just so she doesn't fall asleep from her bored/confused phase.
"sure Myles" she tells me. We walk up the stairs and go into my room. Luckily, I cleaned it the other day so it's not nearly as cluttered as usual.
I sit in my chair by my computer and watch her plop onto my bed.
I decide to talk to her about Kalin because I'm kind of curious on what she thinks about him. Kalin and I never talk about Megan because it never really comes up. I know Kalin has a thing with her, so I kind of kept my distance. I hope she isn't mad at me for that.
"So, what's new with you and Kalin ?" I ask.

Megan's POV:
"So, what's new with you and Kalin ?" Myles asks.
'should I open up ? Maybe Myles can help me with this.' I think to myself, as I stare into his chocolate brown eyes. I never noticed how pretty his eyes were. I love his little poof too, it's always perfect. 'WAIT. did I just say that in my head ? Talk about Kalin, he's staring at you..'
"I don't really know honestly, I mean we've been friends forever and I don't know why but I get more nervous with him. I miss how it used to be, I mean if we become more than friends, it'll just get complicated right ?" I tell Myles truthfully, then look down so I don't stare again. I looked at THE wrong time because I noticed that Myles' shirt kind of went up when he sat down because I can see some of his abs. 'DAMN HEART EYES MUCH' I thought as I could feel my heart beat quicken as my cheeks turned a light pink.
"well true, but maybe you should just let everything fall into place, I mean what if you find someone else ?" Myles says, making me relax more.
"true, thanks Myles" I tell him as I smile a genuine smile.

Myles' POV:
'this is the time to man up and kiss her or SOMETHING.' I think and I see her cheeks turn a light pink. I look down and notice my abs are showing a little behind my shirt.
"like what you see ?" I smirk at Megan, causing her to blush more.
"oh shut up" she tells me, unable to look up. I loved when she blushed. It made my stomach fill with butterflies when I her blush, but then it would drop when I realized that KALIN made her blush before. 'now it's my chance to have a little spotlight' I think and I walk over and stand in front of Megan as she's sitting on the bed.
I couldn't just kiss her, she might never forgive me. 'Take it slow, Myles' I think to myself as I see Megan look up at me, since I'm looking down at her from my angle.
"would it be random or rude if I said that I wanted to do things with you ?"
I truthfully ask Megan. I want to kiss her but I also want to just have sex with her right there on my bed.
"uhhm Myles I uhhm" she stutters at my question, as I stand up and walk over to her slowly.
"Megan I want you to stop me at any time if you're not comfortable okay ?"
I tell her, as I stop a foot from my bed, reassuring her and myself as I start to lean in, as I lean over her on the bed..

Megan's POV:
"would it be random or rude if I said that I wanted to do things with you ?" Myles says out of nowhere.
"uhhm Myles I uhhm" I stutter as I slowly realize what he means. I mean, I want to kiss him hard and passionately but I also want him to have sex with me right now.
'But Kalin..'I tell myself as I watch him slowly walk towards me, closing the small space between us.
"Megan I want you to stop me at any time if you're not comfortable okay ?" I hear Myles say as I look at him leaning over me. He starts to lean in and I just can't make myself pull away...
what Kalin doesn't know won't hurt him, right ?

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