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All the chairs in the meeting hall except for two were occupied. The first one, was always empty. It was to honour a legend long forgotten. The other vacant chair in its unusual emptiness has called upon the meeting. A meeting to find its true owner.

The long red curtains fluttered lightly as Lord Aither Wind marked his presence.

At this point, when everybody was waiting for the Speaker to start the meeting, crosstalk is quite usual on Earth. But it never happens here, in Heaven.

The Speaker, Guardian Fritz Lohan stood up to address the gathering formally. "Good morning, honorable Archangels, Lord Thunder Ray, Lady Crystal Rain, Lord Aither Wind, Lady Divya Pritvi, Lady Enya Fire and all the guardians present here. This vacant seat of the guardian of the waters is why we have all gathered here. We are all aware of Lord Aqua's sudden disappearance. We've discussed the matter with higher authorities and came to a decision. I request Lord Thunder to make the official announcement."

Lord Thunder Ray stood up. Tall and well built, with facial features then marred with concern for his son as well as his disciples. The shoulder length silver hair tied behind his neck gleamed as he faced the sun.

"We are all aware that Guardian Jet Aqua is missing since last year. The reason and whereabouts, I know not. The absence of one of the Virtues will cause imbalance in the Element Wheel.

"We have sent messengers to the Principalities, but in vain. So, we have decided to send an Elite team of guardian angels to the Earth. This mission is called Mission Aqua. The selected guardian angels are to possess the humans residing in the coastal areas of Earth. You will be trained to act like humans."

Collected gasps escaped from the audience.

Lord Thunder continued,"The humans you are to possess will range from police officers to students to doctors. It is your duty to see that no harm is caused to the human you possess, by you. Mission Aqua will be led by Lady Crystal Rain as only she possesses the power to purify Lord Aqua's pendant of life, if any purification is needed to bring him back to normalcy.

"Mission Aqua is our only hope to restore the balance of this solar system. The special training will begin tomorrow. Within two months the team must be ready, for there is not much time to waste." Lord Thunder's grave tone sent the unspoken message to each and every angel present there - the failure of Mission Aqua will result in the fall of Lord Thunder Ray's reign.

As he sat down, Guardian Fritz stood up and said, "I hope everything is clear. The details of the human whom you are assigned to will be delivered to your seats."

«‹«‹«‹«‹« »›»›»›»›»

"It's the first time we are going on such a mission, aren't we?", asked Edith to Crystal as they were returning to their practice hall.

Crystal nodded affirmatively with a faraway look.

"Crys, Ed, wait up!", called a high pitch voice behind them.

As they turned around with smiles on their face, they saw Guardian Lory Davis running towards them holding his case file and sheathed sword.

"It's Captain Rain for you." said Crystal with a grave tone.

Lory smiled awkwardly. Both Edith and Crystal burst out laughing.

"I'm just kidding, Lory", assured Crystal patting his shoulder.

"We didn't see you at the practice hall earlier today. Where'd you been?" asked Edith fishing through her case file.

"I was designing my sword", said Lory showing off his new artwork.

Crystal's eyes turned golden with delight. "Hmm..... impressive!"

Lory beamed with a boyish grin, crinkling his dark blue eyes.

"Ugh! Who decorates a war weapon with neon colours?" scoffed Edith in disgust as she closed her case file to examine Lory's sword.

"Hey! It's not a war weapon. It's my masterpiece. Learn to praise a little, woman!"

"Whatever," said Edith rolling her eyes.

"So, tell me about your humans. I got an artist named Vidya Murali. She's also a teacher...." said Lory as he dug his case file for more interesting facts.

"Seems like an Indian to me." exclaimed Edith.

"Yeah, she's from Kerala, south of India."

"Wait. Are you saying that you're gonna possess a woman?" Edith laughed at her own observation. "Suits you. You've got the high pitched voice."

"Yeah, and I have got an artistic taste unlike you."

Edith took her case file to check again what she was going to become. "I'm gonna be the headmistress of a Kerala. I'm gonna be a nun?" frowned Edith as she thought aloud. Lory peeped into her case file.

"Hey, we are gonna be in the same school." exclaimed Lory excitedly. "And, what about you, Crys?"

"What is the name of the school? Because it seems like I too am posted in Kerala." said Crystal checking her case file.

"St. Paul International School. Check quick!" Lory almost shouted in anticipation.

"Hmm.....yup. I too am coming with you people." said Crystal looking up from her file. "But, as a student."

"Oh! But you are a Virtue. I thought you were to be a police officer.... cool." said Edith quite disappointed.

Crystal smiled at her friends. "It's fine Ed. Father might have other plans.....we never know!" said Crystal winking at her.

"My name is gonna be Rev. Sr. Maria Hernandez. What's yours?" asked Edith

"Mauli.....Mauli Krishnan."

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