School prank

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My brothers and i have gone back to my parents house to relax we were up in joshua's room playing skyrim, we were sitting there talking away and an idea came to mind "hey boys what do ya say if we pranked the school" i said the boys looked at me and smiled, we ended pausing the game and got to plan then we got straight to work.

We are currently standing infront of the school at 8pm in the morning some how the triplets found a way into the school we got in and got our plan to action the triplets went there seperate way and Ryder and I went our way to each room to put our plan to action.

It took us two hours to do the boys took me back to the pack house and the boys went home, until then me i relaxed in the lounge room watching tv when zac came into the room "hey babe how was you're day did you do anything fun" zac said while he sat next to me "nope went out with haley earlier she left early cos she found her mate then my brothers came" i said. We eventually went to bed cos it got pretty late hopefully the prank goes goo.

The next day i woke up to my phone going off i got up went for a shower did my business got out wrapped a towel around me walked into the walk in closet grabbed a black pair of skinny grey shirt black pair converses, i got changed grabbed my school stuff walked down stairs grabbed a piece of toaste ten left for school.

Ryde and I are now standing in the car park slowly walking to the school entrance we finally got there and we walked in and we pretanded that we were the ones to pull the prank then out of nowhere our friends came upto us we greeted everyone and went our seperate ways, finally it was the third period and im still sorta laughing at the two pranks that happened in first and second hour, i then was called to the principles office great.

"Aubrey please take a seat over there and the principle will be with you in a moment" the lady at the desk said, so i walked over and sat down about a minute later Ryder walks in and the lady told him the same thing e walks over looks at me and smiles the e sat down, "so im guessing we are here because we got into trouble im guessing" ryder said "yup" i said.

A few minutes have past and the principle called us in and started talking about the pranks that we pulled on the teachers then there was a knock on the door and the principle told the person to come in and we found out it was zac yay great fun (note the sarcasm) then they gave us our punishment by suspending us for 20 days and about months detention, we got up and left and we grabbed our stuff and we went home.

As i got to the pack house i notice ryder followed me home and that my mums car was infront of the house i turn the car off went inside and i knew instantly that i was in shit, i went inside and prepared myself for the long lecture to happen my mum called me into te kitchen along with ryder and we both spent the afternoon with our mum Lecturing us great fun.

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