new school new people

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I was on my way to my locker I said, bye to my brothers. I was almost to my locker, when I accidentally bumped into a girl by accident. I bumped all her stuff, all over the floor so I decided to help her up;

- sorry I didnt see you there I was trying to find my locker an... when I was cut off mid sentence.

No its ok I wasnt paying attention anyways, the girl said.

We finished packing her stuff up when I asked

hey do you know where locker 215 is?. I asked

yeah it's this way I'll show you by the way my name is Hayley!. Hayley said.

Hi my name is Aubrey. I said.

we started talking on the way to my locker, she asked me for my timestable. I gave it to her, we realised we have mostly the same classes together.

We finally got to my locker, I put my stuff away and grabbed, the correct book and a pen. Hayley showed me to advance english, Hayley and I talk some more. Hayley introduced me, to a couple more of her friend, before the bell went. One of the guy's name is James, he is in the same class as me.

The bell went and we both headed to english, I walked in and sat down by the window. A couple seconds later the teacher came in, and a few more students rolled in to class. James and I talked while, the teacher settled down. Then I smelt it, the delicious smell I ever smelt.

The smell was of forest and rain. It was coming from the teacher, he looked so amazing. I'm in shocked, how can a teacher be my mate. As he got settled, he turned to the class smiled. when he looked into my eyes I knew I was done for.

I finally got over the shock, then the teacher started his lesson. Listening to what subject, we were doing in class. Its shakesspear I hate, the subject. We had to write down stuff, from the board. I zoned out, halfway through the lecture. I wasnt even paying attention, until I got punched in the arm by James. I turned and looked at him weiredly,

What was that for?. I said

Bro Mr Gold asked you a question! James said.

I turned and looked at Mr Gold, I apologised and asked him to repeate the question. I answered the question, I sat there paying attention for the rest of class.

Class was over then my other two classes art and biology went slowly. Finally lunch came aound, I sat with Hayley and James. There were a couple people, (I forgot there name) was sitting at the lunch table.

James started saying, how I zoned out in english class today, and how I was watching, every move Mr Gold made. I started blushing like crazy, then there was that smell again. I smelled in english I realised that, Mr Gold came into the cafeteria. Mr Gold was looking around, for someone and then his eyes landed on mine.

He walked over to my table on his way over, I looked away and, started talking about the up coming mating ceremony. I then hear Mr Gold, ask if he can have a word with me in his class room.

I decided to go, and see what was wrong with Mr Gold. We reached his class room, I walked in and then he shut the door, and locked it behind him. I started get a little scared, he was just standing there leaning up against the door. I broke the awkward silent:

Mr Gold why did you bring me hear I said.

The reason I brought you here was to tell you, that you cant touch other males or flirt with them. he said.

I finally realise that he was my mate, there was something else that was there too. It made him seemed powerful I nod my head and left, not before he kissed me on the check. Now I was scared. The rest of the day was in a blur, and I finally got to get home after a long day.

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