Chapter 2 - jesse?

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I'm instantly hit and I feel my body fall to the floor whilst my cheek burning.

I immediately get up grab my jacket and run out the front door, slamming the door behind me.


I walk out and the chill L.A weather hits me. I can't fucking take her... I can't do it.

I start walking, too infuriated with anger to be scared right now.

I keep walking and walking until I feel numb. I start tearing up thinking about a way out.

It's dark, pretty dark actually. Do I even know where I'm going? My heart begins to race.
Well I'm not going back, I guess I'll find a hotel or maybe sleepover at a friends place?

I stop, and take out my phone, I can feel the chilliness growing cooler.

I call my friend, Zoe.
I hope she picks up.

Then I hear footsteps, louder than usual.
Someone grabs my shoulder, and I automatically pop my arm back.

"What the hell?!" I shout.

"Shhhh darling... Just come.. come with me," he says half alive apparently. He's probably drunk.

"Get the fuck away from me or I'll call the cops," I say beyond annoyed.

"N-no need for thaat." He stumbles.

"Get away from me," I start walking away but he grabs my arm.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!" I kick his legs and jerk my arm back.

"Shhhh!" He says, and covers my mouth and somehow gets ahold of both my arms.

I start to scream for my life in the palms of his hands. Why isn't anyone seeing this?!?

I ferociously start kicking him and bite his hand.

He starts to walk me over to a dark colored van.

The door opens and he tries to toss me in the back.

"HELP SOMEONE PLE-" My head gets slammed on the sides of the van doors. I can barely understand what is happening and start to see blackness.


I wake up thinking I died. I look around.
A hospital? Then a enormous headache takes over.

"Ah shit!" I whisper and touch my head. It's padded.

I look around the room again making sure it's real.

I raise my hand to pinch myself, then the door opens.
It's the doctor, he walks towards me.

"Oh! Hey! Don't do that.. You are alive okay? You were saved by a young man, about your age actually." The doctor says.

"C-Can I see him?" I say trying to not make my headache even worse.

"I need to tell you some information first. Well, you will be fine, it wasn't super bad, and luckily it didn't cause any brain damage what so ever. It was just a good hit on the head. That guy... Attempting to kidnap you was caught and is now being sentenced to jail I believe. So everything is turning out really smoothly. How are you feeling dear?" He asks me.

"Uh. I've had better days," I laugh, making my head hurt more.

"Well you don't seem doing too bad which is good. But anyways I'll bring in the man that "saved" you. His name is Jesse, and waited all night to see you. You guys must have a relationship or something." He walks out the door.

The name doesn't even ring a bell and I think it'll just be a normal dude.

I close my eyes, trying to stay calm. Then the doctor comes back into the room with Jesse.

Jesse's eyes meet mine and I realize something.

I open my mouth in complete shock.
"Is this a prank? What's going on?" I say smiling.

"What?" Jesse says confused.

"Oh my goodness. You are fucking Jesse. Jesse Rutherford. Jesse James Rutherford. You're from the neighbourhood. Jesse. That's you. YOURE JESSE!!" I shout in complete awe.

"Wow! I didn't know you knew me... that's uh.. that's crazy. wow.. thanks." He says smiling.

"You saved me. You. Jesse. That's unbelievable. I love you Jesse, you are always so down to earth and real, and the nbhd's music is crazy and so unique and fucking amazing. And you keep me happy on most days and you are really hot actually, especially in person. And I can smell your cologne from here which smells super good, and I can't believe this is happening Jesse!" I catch my breathe and get up from the bed.

"Woah, try not to get up, you'll make your head worse." The doctor says trying to keep me down.

But I can't fucking stay down, it's Jesse Rutherford for crying out loud.

Jesse. Jesse Rutherford...

"I have to," I say as I get up from the bed and kind of collapse on Jesse.

He wraps his arms around me and we hug for what seems like eternity.

"I love you, I love you, I love you so much," I say as I start crying.

"Awe, love you too.." He squeezes me.

"Thank you so much Jesse." I say sobbing uncontrollably.

"Don't need to thank me. I'm glad you're alive." He whispers.

I feel something between us, a connection. But it's probably the feeling every fangirl gets when they meet Jesse.

I waddle back over to the bed and lay down. I wipe my tears, and smile showing how happy I was.

"Okay, Kacia. You will be going home tomorrow if you feel well enough." The doctor interrupts.

Then everything crashes down on me.
"Wait home? Uhh.. Can't I stay another day, or go to a hotel? I'll go to my friends house." I say anxiously.

"It's advised you'd stay home and get some rest," he says.

"I can't go home please..." I say hopelessly.

Jesse looks at me concerned.

"She can come with me, I AM the one who got her out of that mess, I'll make sure she rests and gets better." Jesse says.

I'm so surprised..and in shock.....

"*sigh* I'll trust in you Jesse. Tomorrow you can pick her up any time. Check in with me on the phone to tell me how she's doing. But for now, we will have her rest and be feed. I'll leave you to it Ms. Kacia." The doctor walks out.

Jesse walks over to me and hugs me. I can smell his cigarette breath, which is actually attractive somehow...

"Ill see you tomorrow then?" He smirks and walks out.

//Hopefully this is good. hopefully you liked it!! Thank you for reading, I might update tomorrow if I feel like this fanfic is worth something because I don't want another bad fanfic. Anyways thank you so much for reading!! Comment & vote!! that'd be sooooo amazing!! Thanks again!! -Jeńñ//

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