Chapter 8

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*Kayla's POV*

After beating Niall's ass in our pillow fight, I walked over to Louis and Harry's room, to have Louis come over. He said he needed to tell me something about Harry in the car. I figured he can probably tell Niall, too. It sounded pretty important. And since Ally's hanging out in Zayn and Liam's room, it's perfect timing!

I walked into their room and saw both him and Harry, glued to their laptop screens.

"Louis, do you still need to talk to me?" He looked up and nodded. I motioned for him to follow me to my room. As soon as we got to my room, we sat on my bed.

Niall walked out of the bathroom, seeming surprised as to why Louis was there.

"He has something he needs to tell us. It's about Harry." Niall's face relaxed, and he sat on the bed next to us. We sat silently, waiting for Louis to speak.

"Well, on the plane, I was drawing a picture of Niall." My eyes wandered over to Niall, who had a horrified look on his face. I'm guessing that Louis isn't the best at drawing.

I refocused my attention on Louis, wanting to know more about what happened.

"He started making fun of me, so I was playfully beating him up. When I was done, I almost fell asleep. I was still somewhat awake when I heard him talking to himself. He said that I looked adorable when I was sleeping." I sat still, taking in all of what I was just told. Holy shit.

Harry might have feelings for Louis! Niall and I exchanged questioning glances.

"Maybe you should confront him?" Louis raised his hand and lightly smacked Niall across the cheek. I tried to stifle a laugh, but soon enough, I found myself in hysterics at their stupidity . "I'll take that as a no." Louis had an idiotic grin plastered on his face.

"Why is your room such a mess?" I looked around the room. What mess? This is what my room usually looks like. "Even mines isn't this bad, and I'm the messy one." Niall glared at me and jumped onto his bed.

"Maybe because she doen't know what a rubbish bin is." I smiled sheepishly and grabbed my purse, pullingout my laptop. I opened up to twitter, to find that I gained another ten thousand followers.

"I can't keep up with all of these followers! And how are there fan twitters for me?! I'm not famous!" Louis scooted away from, as if I was mentally insane.

"In a way, you are famous. They know you from dating me, Louis Tomlinson, from One Direction." What the hell? I'm just famous for dating Louis? I looked to Niall, who nodded his head in agreement.

"What happens if we break up?" He lifted my laptop out of my lap, and placed it on his own.

"Look at Eleanor's twitter." My eyes searched the page. Luckily, people weren't hateful towards her.

"So, nothing bad happens? Everything is the same as it was before?" Him and Niall nodded their heads. "Great! Well, I'm going to go see when Liam is having his twitcam." I got up and ran towards Liam's room.

I entered the room, finding it very clean.

Ally and Zayn glanced up from his laptop, smiling and waving. I waved and snapped back to my reason for being there. "Liam?" He emerged from the bathroom, toothbrush in his mouth.


"When are you doing the twitcam?" He looked down at his watch

"Probably after dinner. Was that all you needed?" I nodded and walked out the room. That reminds me, when is dinner?

[Harry POV]

My prank is working perfectly! Zayn thinks I'm mad at him, Liam is annoyed at me, and Niall feels sorry for me! The only two that aren't following the plan are, Kayla and Louis. I don't think they're falling for it. And I've gotta remember to tell Ally about this.

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