Chapter 9

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:Liam's POV:

"If we get up to one hundred-fifty thousand views, then we will...have a dance party!" I watched the view counter go up to fifty-seven thousand. "Alrighty then. Harry pick a question or a shout out."

Ok, this one is from, @CiaraLoves1D, thank you for the name, she wants to know, what time do we get up when we're not on tour?" I usually get up early, whether we're on tour or not. "I usually sleep in. It's not everyday that you don't have to get up early." Everyone else replied with, 'Same', or, 'Me too'.

"Well, I get up at the same I do on tour." They all looked a me with wide eyes. "What? I'm a morning person." They shook their heads and focused on the laptop again.

"Shout out to Brazilian Directioners!" Zayn scrolled down the list, giving out shout outs to different people and places.

"Liam! We're one hundred twenty-five thousand!" I glanced down at view count and saw that Louis was right.

"Alright! Only twenty-five thousand to go! Okay, next." I scrolled until I found a good one. "Saw lots of Larry Stylinson moment. (wink, wink)" I gazed a Harry and Louis who were in hysterics.

"I don't know how many times we have to say this, we're not dating!" I looked at Louis, who seemed a bit heartbroken, but he cheered up in a matter of minutes. "Let's move on. Louis and Niall, I heard you're scared of pigeons...but what about Kevin?"

"Well, you see," I watched in amusement, as Louis tried to explain. ", Kevin wasn't actually a bird, he was a secret agent, like Perry the Platypus."

"Louis? What the hell are you going on about?" He shushed Niall and continued to speak.

"He was staying with us because, we were in danger, so now, we're safe. But sadly, as you saw in Tour diary, week four, Kevin had an accident. We are still saddened by his death. Isn't that right Niall?" Our eyes darted towards the irish boy, who was just as puzzled as us.

"Um, sure Louis..." Niall replied with a questioning tone, but Louis didn't seem to notice. He was busy fake crying over Kevin.

I focused my eyes on the view count and was more than pleased with what I saw.

"We got one hundred fifty thousand! Time for our dance party!" We all hopped of my bed and went to an open space in the room. I adjusted my laptop so that it was facing us. I put my iPod on 'Take Care' by Rhianna. We formed a semi-circle, and pushed Louis into the middle.

He started doing his signature moves, such as, Pat the Dog Screw the Light bulb and Stop the Traffic Let em Through. He hopped out and shoved Harry in.

Harry immediately started to do the sprinkler. He ran out and had Kayla go step in.

She began to do the dougie, making us all laugh. She strode out, pulling me into the middle. I started with the one, two, three, flick, then the pulling the rope . I jumped away and told Zayn to go.

He strutted into the circle and started shaking his butt. He walked back, allowing Niall to go.

As usually, he started to do an Irish jig.

Ally walked in the middle and started shuffling.

Soon enough, we were all doing our ridicules dance moves.

"Well guys, it's been fun, but we've been on for about three hours now, and we're all tired. We'll do this again soon! I promise!" We all simultaneously said bye. I pressed the offline button and closed down my laptop.

"That was fun! But I'm super tired, so I'm going to head to bed. You coming, Niall?" Kayla asked. Niall nodded, and followed Kayla out the room. Ally followed after, waving bye to me and Zayn. We yelled goodnight to them, which they returned with their own goodnights.

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