Chapter 25

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*Kayla's POV*

"I'm going to miss you idiots, even if it is for just a few days." Right now, I was standing at the terminal. The boys were around me, saying their goodbyes. At one point, Niall was tearing up.

"Good luck! Make amends with your parents!" Liam hugged me, not forgetting to give me some advice.

"Oh be quiet Liam. Stop being a buzz kill." Louis slapped Liam's arm. He focused back on me. "Anyways, have fun, party hard, and have the best few days of your life." He pulled me in for a hug.

Before I pulled away, he whispered something in my ear.

"I'll have Paul film the plan. You won't miss it." I grinned. I can't wait to see the plan in action, even if I'm not there to see it.

Zayn was up next. He stepped forward and began to speak.

"It's going to be weird not having you around on tour for the next few days. It's like you're apart of the band. Have fun in Washington." We did the small handshake we created. Zayn and I weren't the closet, but we had our moments.

Harry cleared his throat. I walked up to him, and ruffled his already messy hair.

"Any words for me Hazzadear?" I asked, using my nickname for him. Alright, it wasn't original, but it was something.

"Have fun in Washington. Bring me something back, preferably a t-shirt." Of course.

"Not a man of many words, are we?"

"You know it." I pulled him into a hug. For the next few days, we weren't going to have our sissy fights. He was the most annoying one, but he's a cool dude.

Last up was Niall. He looked at me with a sad face.

"I'm...I'm gonna miss you. I don't care how long you're going to be gone, it's going to be some of the worst days of my life! Who's going to annoy Liam with me, or sing Justin Bieber, or even, steal Louis' Toms!"

"That's what happened to them?! You sneaky bastards!" Louis cut in. Niall gave him an aggravated stare.

"Shut up Louis! I'm having a moment!" Louis scoffed, but kept quiet. "As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted! I'll miss my partner in crime. Can't wait till we go get you!"

"Niall. Stop it. You're going to make me cry." I wiped my eyes. This damn boy. Only he has the ability to tug my heart strings.

"Flight 248 to Seattle, Washington. We are now boarding." I looked up at the speakers, as if someone was going to appear. I shook my head. I glanced around at all of the boys. I can't believe I'm doing this.

With the way we're all acting, you'd think I was moving away. But it's still an important moment. Haven't seen my parents in almost two years. Big step for me.

"Alright boys, that's me. I'll see you in a few days. Have fun with the concerts. Especially you, Tommo." I waved by at the boys, and boarded my flight. Only two hours.

:Liam's POV:

The lads and I watched Kayla's flight take off. We're such girls. She's only going to be gone for seven days. Not like she's leaving forever. Oh, shut up Liam. You know you're going to miss her!

The small voice in my head was right. I was going to miss her. As much as Niall was. We were alike in so many ways. We were immature, but we had our responsible moments. We got annoyed easily, and we both had horrible grammar. It's only for a few days. Only a few. Just one week. It'll be fine Liam.

"Come on, Li. Time to go. We have rehearsal." Zayn tugged at my arm. I gave a small smile. I followed the boys out LAX, and to the van.

I'm guessing the girls 1D radar was having some difficulties, because none were here. A bit strange, but I'll take it.

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