Chapter 17

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<Louis' POV>

Why did we get so much stuff? I regret buying all of this. It's going to take hours to sort out! I'm such a tourist.

"Harry! Can you help me with my stuff! You're obviously done with yours!" Harry was just sitting down, watching some stupid show.

"But Louis! I'm about to find out what happened to Holly J!" He argued with me.

"You can watch Degrassi later! Help me with sorting!" He groaned and got off the sofa. Why does he even like that show?

"Fine! Only because it's you." He gave me a peck on a the lips, and sat on the ground with me. Works every time. I heard Kayla do a quick 'Aw'. I rolled my eyes and kept sorting. "So Lou, I was thinking about what Liam said earlier. Maybe we should look for the person that caused this."

"Can't we just forget about it! Nothing bad happened! No one got hurt! Just leave it alone." I didn't mean to be so harsh, but it had to be said! It's all in the past, and that's where it will stay!

Harry finished helping me and walked to the room he was sharing with Liam. Liam said me and Harry couldn't share a room. Stupid Liam and his rules.

"Do you think he's mad at me?" I looked at Kayla. She just shrugged her shoulders.

"I honestly don't know, nor do I care. Harry's been a bit bi-polar lately." I thought it over and decided to leave it alone. He has been having mood swings like crazy. "Do you wanna Skype the girls with me? I'm sure they'll be excited to see you!" I nodded and followed her into our guest room.

She took out her laptop and logged onto Skype. A window popped up on the screen a few seconds later. Ally, Jayda, and showed up on it.

"Hi Kayla!" They all screamed into the camera simultaneously.

"Hey! Where's Ella?" Was I invisible?

"Oh, she had to work today." Ally filled us in in why Ella wasn't there. I'm still waiting to be noticed.

"Oh! Hi Louis!" FINALLY! Jayda noticed me and said hi.

"Hi babe. How are you girls today, or I guess night?" They all giggled. Girls.

"We're good. Wait, I need to say something." We all went quiet, wanting to hear what Ally needed to say. "I'm really sorry Kayla and um...I'M HAPPY FOR YOU AND HAZ, LOU." I covered my ears. I think this was worse than screaming girls at a concert.

"Are you done?" I asked, not feeling the need to torture my ears.

"Not yet. Is Harry there?" Kayla and I nodded. "Get him." Kayla scrambled out the room, scared to say no.

"So, how's Niall?" Jayda piped up.

"I thought you like Liam?" I retorted. Wasn't she wearing a bunch of Liam stuff at the concert?

"I did, but now I like Niall!"

"Ok then. Um, Niall's fine. Eating a lot like always."

"And how's Liam?" Sam appeared in front of the screen. What, were they playing musical boy band members?

" Liam. He got attacked by girls today. They stole his socks. Do you like him now? Switching crushes now?" She shook her head.

"No! One of my friends called dibs when Jayda stopped liking him." One of her friends?


"Can't say. They'd kill me."

"Whatever, you girls like whoever yo want. Just stay away from curly. He's mine." The door flew open. In came Kayla, dragging Harry by his hoodie.

"But I need to talk to Liam! It's important!" He kept protesting.

"Here he is Ally. What did you need to tell him?" Kayla threw Harry on the bed. Ally cleared her throat, an the rest of us plugged our ears with our fingers.

"HAROLD STYLES! Why did you not tell me you were going to play a prank on Zayn?" His eyes widened and turned to me.

"I didn't tell her! Look at miss chatterbox!" I pointed my finger at Kayla, who was smiling sheepishly.

"Don't blame me! I tell them everything! Girl code." Kayla defended. Harry got up and walked out the room, but not before whispering something in my ear.

"What did he say?" They all interrogated me. I kept my mouth shut.

"Not telling. You girls talk to much. Now if you excuse me, I need to unpack my suitcase." I got off the bed and searched for my suitcase. Where did I put it?

~Ally's POV~

After two weeks, we finally get to see Kayla again! Granted its on Skype, but who cares. I'm glad shed still talk to me after out little dispute. I shouldn't have up and left.

I saw her name pop up for a chat request. I immediately pressed accept.

"Hi Kayla!" The girls and I freaked when we saw her.

"Hey! Where's Ella?" Kayla asked

"Oh, she had to work today."

"Oh! Hi Louis!" Louis? What is she...Hey look! It's Louis!

"Hi babe. How are you girls today, or I guess night?" It's still weird to know the boys. Feels like it was only yesterday when we were all fan girling. Good times, good times.

"We're good. Wait, I need to say something." Everyone was silent. I smirked and started my rant. "I'm really sorry Kayla and um...I'M HAPPY FOR YOU AND HAZ, LOU." Everyone covered their ears. Being loud is fun.

"Are you done?" I shook my head no. I need to have a chat with Haz.

"Not yet. Is Harry there?" Louis and Kayla shook their heads up and down. "Get him." Kayla jumped off the bed and out the room.

"So, how's Niall?" Jayda spoke up, easing the tension.

"I thought you like Liam?" Sam and I sighed. Jayda changes boys like she changes clothes. A lot.

"I did, but now I like Niall!"

"Ok then. Um, Niall's fine. Eating a lot like always."

"And how's Liam?" Sam came back. I didn't even notice that she left.

" Liam. He got attacked by girls today. They stole his socks. Do you like him now? Switching crushes now?"

"No! One of my friends called dibs when Jayda stopped liking him." Shut up Sam! Shut up!


"Can't say. They'd kill me."

"Whatever, you girls like whoever you want. Just stay away from curly. He's mine." Right then, I saw Kayla burst into the room, pulling a certain curly haired boy with her.

"But I need to talk to Liam! It's important!" He kept trying to argue. Cute how he thinks he has a say in this.

"Here he is Ally. What did you need to tell him?" He fell on the bed and looked at the screen. Fear flashed across his eyes when he saw me.

"HAROLD STYLES! Why did you not tell me you were going to play a prank on Zayn?" His green eyes went huge. He looked at Louis who held his hands up.

"I didn't tell her! Look at miss chatterbox!" Our attention went to Kayla, who looked like a guilty child.

"Don't blame me! I tell them everything! Girl code." Harry hopped off the bed and whispered something into Louis' ear. He waved at us and left.

"What did he say?" We started asking him questions, but he would crack.

"Not telling. You girls talk to much. Now if you excuse me, I need to unpack my suitcase." I stuck my tongue out a him. He didn't seem to notice, because he went straight to looking for his suitcase.

"Time for you explanation. Why didn't you tell us about this?!" Jayda started off. I smirked.

"Because, this was a huge secret. The whole plan thing was basically life or death." Kayla jumped back on the bed and explained everything to us.

"Sounds like a load of rubbish if you ask me." I stated.

"Luckily no one did." I heard Louis let out a small chuckle, from off-screen.

"Go unpack Louis!"

"I am!"

"He's such an idiot." I commented again. He walked in front of the screen.

"I am not an idiot!"

"Louis, you got lost in that giant carpet thing at the children's museum." Kayla replied, earning herself a glare from Tommo.

"Not lost, confused. There's a difference!" We waved him off and let him get back to his packing.

"LIAM! GIVE BACK THE REMOTE!" I heard Harry yell from the living room. He can be pretty loud.

"Um, I should go take care of that. I'll talk to you guys later. K?"

"Yea! Go before they kill each other!" She laughed and signed off. It must be crazy over there.

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