Chapter 15

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"So, wait a minute hold on." Dean said. We had just gone outside and were waiting for my family. "These people are the Russian princes and princesses?"

"Yup. This is Carlos, David, Tony, Audrey, Evelyne and Zac." I pointed to each one in turn. I turned to Luis. "Tony's the one I was telling you about, the fast one." I turned to Tony. "Luis is fast. I told him I'd try to get you over here to race him." 

"Game on." Tony said, smiling at Luis.

I turned to Connie. "Audrey is a fashion expert, unlike me. She always tried to get me to wear the latest fashions." 

"And she always refused to wear them." Audrey grumbled. 

"Sounds like Courtney." Fulton said, causing us all to laugh.

"Guys, this is my team. There's Connie, Guy, Dean, Fulton, Julie, Averman, Goldberg, Luis, Dwayne, Ken, Charlie, Jessie, and Russ. And this," I said, grabbing Adam's hand. "Is Adam." 

Carlos looked down at his shoes. 

"I'm starving." Dean said. "Let's get pizza." He started to walk away. 

"Dean, wait." I said, stopping him. "I wanted to apologize. I was mad at you for being mean to me, but I wasn't being very nice either. I'm sorry." 

Dean blinked at me. "I'm sorry too. You were just trying to make friends with me." He stuck out his hand. "Friends?"

I put my hand in his and we shook. "Friends." I said. 

"Courtney!" I heard behind me. I turned to see Jason running up to me. I leaped up and I caught him in a hug. "Hi!" 

I laughed. "Hey, buddy! I missed you." 

"I missed you, too." He said. I hoisted him onto my shoudlers.

"Hi, Ducks!" He cried. Everyone laughed. "Who are you?" Jason asked, turning to the Russians. 

"Jason, those are my Russian friends. Remember, I told you about them? Carlos saved my life?"

"Wait, what? Saved your life?" Adam said.

"Oh, yeah. I didn't tell you guys. Um, on my tenth birthday, Carlos and I were going to do the dance you guys just saw. When we went to change, my best friend, Davis, kidnapped me, knocked me out and was about to drown me when Carlos came and saved me." I said, matter-of-factly.

"Excuse me?" Connie said. "Your best friend... tired to drown you? How old was he?"

"Thirty five. And he was the stable boy." I said. 

"GIrl, are you serious? You're best friend was thrity five and a stable boy when you could be hanging out with Russian princes and princesses? Something was wrong wit hthat brain of yours." Connie said, crossing her arms. I laughed. 

"Connie, they were in Russia." I reminded her.

"I'm hungry." Jason said. I looked up at him and smiled. 

"Good, because we were just about to get pizza. Wanna come?"

"Dumb question." Alison said. She came up to us, my parents in tow. I put Jason down and grabbed Adam's hand. While the team and the Russian's talked, I pulled Adam over to my parents. 

"Mom, Dad, this is Adam. Adam, these are my parents, Brittany and Jacob." 

"Hi." Adam said, shaking Dad's hand firmly. 

"Hi, Adam." Dad said. He smiled at us. "Since you are the only one that Courtney is personally introducing to her parents, I trust that you two are..." 

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