Evolution Is The Sincerest Form Of Strategy

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No one's P.O.V

Kukui:Over 150 competitors are here to compete in the Alola League and take home the title of the next Alola League Champion. The last 16 competitors remaining will participate in the League.Let The Competition Begin!!!

Everyone let out their respective Pokemon.Kelly and her friendset out their starters.

Kelly saw a Tauros charging for Primarina.

Kelly:Icy Wind!!

Primarina opened her mouth and blew a chilling wind at Tauros freezing him completely.

Kiara saw a Tocanan.

Kiara: Darkest Liariant!!

Incineroar hands became laced with dark energy and then he began spinning towards the Tocanan.

Tocanan's trainer: Bullet Seed!!

Tocanan used Bullet Seed but it just bounce back.Incineroar attacked Tocanan with Darkest Liariant.Tocanan fainted.

Hau: Spirit Shackle!!

Decijueye fired an arrow at the Flareon who narrowly dodged it.

Flareon's trainer: Flamethrower!

Hau:Dodge and use Spirit Shackle again.

Decijueye dodged the Flamethrower and used Spirit Shackle again which hits its target.Flareon couldn't move and was beginning to look scared.

Hau: Razor Leaf!!

Decijueye fired Razor Leaf at Flareon who could only watch in horror as the move drew closer to him.When the dust cleared he was fainted.

At The End Of The Battle Royal

Kukui:The final sixteen trainers have been decided and today we will have the first battle between Hau and Andrew.The MeleMele Island Kahuna Hala will be the referee for the match.

Kahuna Hala: This is a battle between Hau and Andrew.One Pokemon will be used each.The winner will be decided when one trainer is unable to continue. Battle Begin!!!


Hau:Pigeotto, battle time!!



Andrew: Spike Cannon!!

Hau:Dodge and Use Air Slash!!

Pigeotto easily dodged the Spike Cannon and use Air Slash.

Andrew:Sludge Bomb.

Hau:Dodge it.

Pigeotto dodged easily.

Announcer:It looks like Marinee is have some trouble landing an attack, Pigeotto is surely fast.

Andrew: Marinee spin around the field and use Spike Cannon.

Marinee began doing as told.

Hau:Fly up.

Pigeotto flew up at great speed trying to get out of Spike Cannon's range.


Pigeotto evolved into Pigeot in the midst of flying. Pigeot hurriedly flew out of range.

Andrew: Sludge Bomb.

Hau: Deflect with Steel Wing.

Pigeot used Steel Wing and deflected the Sludge Bombs.


Marinee shot a stream of boiling hot water at Pigeot.

Hau: Dodge and finish up with Gust.

Pigeot dodged the hot water and flapped its wings hard sending Marinee against the wall.Marinee fainted.

Hala: Marinee is unable to continue.Hau is the winner of the match.

Cheers were heard throughout the stadium.Hau and Andrew shook hands and both exited the field.

Kiara and Kelly ran to Hau.

Kelly: Great match Hau.Pigeot sure is fast.

Kiara: Yeah.Best way to start a competition.Show them how serious you are.

Hau:It was awesome. I can't wait for you guys to battle.

Kiara: I'm gonna make a grand entrance with Pikachu.

Hau:Who are you gonna use, Kelly?

Kelly: It's a secret.

Kiara:Is everything a secret for you?

Kelly just smiled and walked out of the stadium.

Kiara:Hey you didn't answer my question!!

Hau and Kiara ran after their secretive friend.

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