Kidnapped With A Bang

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Kelly P.O.V

It is nightime and Kelly is all by herself sitting in the field she brought her friends.


Kelly stood up.

Kelly: Who's there?

Grunt 1: Told you we'd come back.

Grunt 2:Now your coming  with us.

Kelly:No I'm not.

Grunt 3: Guess again.Yungoos, Trubbish,Mud Bomb.

The attacks sent Kelly flying.She got back up shakily.

Grunt: Again!


This explosion was bigger than the last and Kelly went unconscious.

Kiara P.O.V

In The Morning

Kiara: Kellyyyy

I looked all around for Kelly but couldn't find her.

Kiara:Hau,do you know where Kelly is?

Hau:No, I was actually looking for her.



Kiara: You don't know where Kelly is do you?

Primarina lowered and shook her head.

Kiara: I know! Lycanrock, come out!

Kiara: Lycanrock I need you to track Kelly's scent please.

Lycanrock began sniffing around and ran off.

Hau: Let's follow him.

Lycanrock ran stopped at the field where Kelly was.

Kiara: This is the field where Kelly brought us.

Hau: But look.

A  small crater was in the middle.

Kiara:Must have been an explosion.

Hau: It couldn't have been a battle because she didn't have any Pokemon.So she must have been kidnapped.

Kiara:By who?

Hau:No idea.The only people who would do such a thing is a gang called Team Skull.

Kiara: We're gonna have to tell her Pokemon.

Hau: I have her Pokeballs.

Hau let Kelly's Pokemon out.They looked around confused.

Kiara: I know you're confused but just hear what we have to say.

Hau: Kelly is gone.She was kidnapped possibly by a gang called Team Skull.


Kiara: What's wrong have you met them.

Tsareena pulled a battle stance.

Hau: You battled them.

Tsareena pointed to Kelly's backpack in Hau's hand.

Kiara:They battled Team Skull with Kelly.Other reason why they would come for Kelly.


Eevee had something in her mouth.It was Kelly's bracelet.

Hau: That's Kelly's.

Kiara took it.

Kiara: Lycanrock help us out.

Lycanrock sniffed the bracelet.He  started walking in a direction.

When they stopped they we're at an old warehouse.They hid at the door and listened.Kelly was in a cage.

Kelly: I told you I don't know!

Grunt 1:We know Tapo Lele has an interest in you.You will lead us to it.We know you know.Tell us where Tapo Lele is!!

Kelly:Tapo Lele comes to me not the other way around!

Grunt 2: Remember who is in the cage here.

Kelly: Even if I was hanging over a Snorlax mouth, I still wouldn't tell you.

Kiara:*whisper*She's got guts.


Grunt 1: She's as stubborn as a Mudbray getting info is impossible.

Grunt 3: We'll just keep her here  until she speaks.

Kelly:My friends will come get me.

Grunt 2: Your friends don't know where you are.

Kelly: You're wrong.I left my bracelet where you kidnapped me.You also didn't bother covering my scent or removing that crater.They will find me just you wait.

Hau:*whisper*She's good.


Grunt 3  turned up the voltage to the cage and pressed a button and the cage electrocuted Kelly.


Grunt 3:Pack up where moving.

Hau:*whisper*Let's go

Kiara: Attack!!


Everyone of the Pokemon attacked Team Skull.

Kiara: Kelly!How do you break the cage?

Kelly:*weakly* Its weak spot is the top.Though an Iron Tail still wouldn't be enough.

Kiara: I know.Tsareena come here.

Tsareena came over.

Kiara:Do you think you can break the top of the cage to set Kelly free?


Tsareena went on the top of the cage and used Stomp setting Kelly free.Kelly weakly walked out.

Grunts: Retreat!!

Kiara caught Kelly.


The Pokemon ran to Kelly.Hau have her a Oran Berry.Kelly ate it and stood up.

Kelly:*whisper*Wait before we go I need to do something.

Kelly went to a dark corner in the room.

Kelly:*weakly*I am not going to hurt you.

She took up something and walked towards her friends.It was a Dratini.

Kelly: Here.Bring it to Nurse Joy.

Kiara: What about you?

Kelly: I'll be fi-

Then she fainted.

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