Chapter 9

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We arrived at the hospital rather quickly and we walked up to the reception desk where a lady in her late 40's was sat and smiled at us warmly.

"welcome to Seoul National University Hospital, how can i help today?" she said looking at the 8 of us

"Hello were here for Mia's blood test results" Namjoon replied to her.

"Ah yes, I'll tell the doctor you arrived. Please take a seat he won't be long" she smiled as we bowed and sat down waiting to be called.

We sat down and i picked at my fingers slowly taking the skin off around my fingernails as a way to try and calm my nerves.

"Hey, you're bleeding" Jimin chirped up as i looked down at my now bleediing finger
"Oh yeah that happens when i pick at my skin" I laughed nervously taking a tissue out of my bag to wrap my bleedig finger in it.
"Why do you pick at it?" He questioned and before i could say anything Yoongi chimed in.
"Aniexty" He simply stated never looking up from his phone and i nodded my head slightly.

Before anything else was said out of either of the males the Doctor came.
"I'm guessing you're all here to know Mia's results?" the doctor questioned as we all nodded our heads
"Well i can only have Mia and two others in the room with her the rest of you have to stay here" He said looking at the seven boys in front of him
"I want to go" the boys started to protest in unision
"I think Mia should choose" Jin spoke up as all their turned towards me
"I would like Namjoon to come in and Hobi seeing as I'm the closest to them" I replied as the boys nodded their heads and we followed the Doctor into his room.

*3rd POV*

"Don't worry this isn't anything bad" He laughed lightly as he noticed Mia's perplexed expression.

"I just wanted to tell you that what you are about to hear may shock you that's all" The doctor carried on as the girl sat down with the boys beside her, J-hope quickly grabbing her hand to ease her.

"We are prepared for anything" Namjoon spoke up as the doctor nodded his head and continued.

"Well your assumptions about Mia having family were right" He started as the girl and the boys looked at him not uttering a word "Her family is the Jeons" The doctor finished

"As in Jeon Jungkook" J-hope questioned and the doctor nodded his head.

"His parents- Their parents are on the way here now." The doctor said and just as he did in burst Jungkook with his parents tears streaming down their faces.

Mia looked over at them and started crying herself.

"M-mum? D-dad?" She hiccuped as they nodded their heads and hugged her and she hugged them back.

"You're home now baby" Her mother said stroking her hair.

Without them knowing the Doctor, Namjoon and J-hope left the room, of course the two boys explained everything to the 4 confused males in the waiting room who saw Jungkook crying as his parents burst into the hospital.

"Oh sweetie how much we have missed you, we thought you died" Her mum said wiping her tears

"The lady that we asked to carry you told us that you died but her mother wrote us a letter before she died and we received it but we never had the time or courage to go to London to see you, we were afraid you would hate us for leaving you" Her dad continued

"I could never hate you" Mia said wiping her own tears with the back of her hand

"Mum, dad why didn't you tell me about Mia" Jungkook asked his parents

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