Prologue - Where it Happened

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Author's Note
So, another Larry story, like there isn't enough out there. My inspiration from this came from Justakiss, and her work which was done back in 2013. Obviously, I'm a little late joining the fandom. But I'm a dark Larry shipper, who isn't? So I couldn't wait to write one of my own. Hopefully it isn't too clique, but it's all been done before. I want mine to be slightly different, but doesn't everyone?
Set in 2015, about three months after Zayn left the band. They don't go on hiatus until, well, that would be telling. I'd like to add now that some events might tie in with the band, tours and radio talks, but others I'll be adding my own bit. Not all the facts will be correct, as this is completely AU! I am also going to say in this that Harry and Lou are dating but marriage will get there a bit later, due to... Unfortunate events. Any who, enjoy, please let me know what you think!

Love From Yours Truly • Let's begin, shall we?

Harry's POV

Harry woke up, groaning with a banging headache. How much did he have to drink last night? He couldn't even remember getting back into their hotel room. He turned to move over, but his bed wasn't as spacious as it normally was. What had... He just elbowed something that definitely wasn't his pillow. Frowning adorably, with a tired face, he blinked in confusion when his pillow spoke.

"Morning Haz"

Harry frown deepened further before his eyes widened in realisation. Lou. He was in bed with Lou. It was at that point he remembered last night. They had just done one of their tours, finishing in Sheffield. It had been a big success for them and also a very big change, getting used to Zayn not being on stage was a lot for Harry to get the idea of. Small mistakes like leaving a space for Zayn when he wasn't there happened a few times and the boys did a good job covering a few times. But, old habits die hard.

After the last concert finished, the group had gone out drinking and celebrated.

He had drunk a lot. Was he black out drunk last night?

"Lou, please stay in bed with me. I don't want to be alone." A very drunken Harry slurred, holding Louis's write with puppy eyes. Louis looked like he was tempted. Though he shook his head in response to Harry's question.

"No, Haz. You're pissed. I don't want to do anything you'll regret in the morning." Louis spoke softly, though he hadn't moved away, unable to stop looking into Harry's eyes.

"But Lou. I don't want to be alone tonight. I, please?" Harry questioned speaking in the same tone.

"Morning Lou" He whispered back tiredly, rubbing his head back into the pillow. He heard a chuckle from Louis.

"You drank a lot last night, Haz. Before you complain I did warn you to stop after the fifth Tequila shot." Harry could practically feel the smirk radiating off Louis's face at that. Harry groaned again, turning to face Louis with an adorable pout.

"No wonder my head hurts" Harry whined childishly running a hand through his long hair that he was growing. He had grown to quite love his long hair and he was glad that Louis had said he'd do it with him. It certainly gave him more confidence. He wouldn't have been able to do it alone.

"We've got a two day break from the tour before going to London. Though we have an interview today after lunch." Louis reminded Harry. Who groaned again.

"Who was I with last night? Anything I need to prepare for?"

Louis actually chuckled lightly at his question which caused Harry to tiredly lift his head up, staring at Louis, maybe getting lost in his friends eyes. He spotted a light blush on Louis's face when he made eye contact, and both didn't want to look away.

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