Chapter 16 - Tell Me That You Love Me

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A/N - Their new album for the story Also, the long awaited (by me) Liam pov. Enjoy!

Liam's POV

"Progress." Louis spoke as Niall walked out of the room. Liam bit his lip and ran a hand in his long hair that probably needed cutting. He gave Louis a questioning look.

"How is that progress?" Liam couldn't help but ask. He had almost given up on Niall. Though the only thing stopping him from giving up was that he was still wearing the necklace he gave him. That must mean something.

"He only registered his name being called when you spoke. He looked at you when he decided to agree to my idea. He showed he cared when I mentioned Harry. We will get the old Niall back." Louis seemed very determined and Liam couldn't help but blush as he listed off how it was progress.

"Louis is right, it's a start." Stuart said and Louis waved his hands about, "See." He said in satisfaction.

Liam rolled his eyes. He just missed Niall's smile.


"Louis, I'm gonna be sick" Liam groaned out. He hadn't heard anything or couldn't even remember what he had done in the past hour. As soon as Louis opened the door, he stumbled out, aimed for a patch of green grass and threw up. It was disgusting.

"That's what you get for having three shots of straight vodka and two pint of beers all in twenty minutes." Louis commented, but it wasn't harshly, it was in his softer voice. Liam put his middle finger out at him as he threw up once more.

"This isn't the time for you to be clever"

"I'm not being clever, although. Thank you for acknowledging I am clever. I'm just stating facts." Louis replied and Liam glared at him, while Louis just smiled in response.

"C'mon, lets get you into the house. Niall is passed out and I'm sure you will be soon too." Louis said and Liams eyes shone with concern.

"Passed out? What happened?" Liam asked and Louis hesitated but told him. "He was very high. Called Zayn. Said a few things. Passed out."

"You're holding information from me." Liam stated as they climbed up the stairs.

"You're right, I am."

"It's not fair. I'm the one Niall should have called. Not Zayn. It should be me looking after him. It should be me lying next to him when he's sleeping." Liam mumbled, not realising that Zayn had just come out of Niall's room, closing the door quietly and had heard every word. Louis and Zayn looked at each other, nodded and Zayn walked away again, knowing it was the wrong time to talk to Liam.

Soon, Louis had managed to get Liam to his bed. Still in his clothes, but Louis had taken off the coat for him. "I'm not tired, Louis." Liam mumbled.

"Your eyes are saying otherwise, Li. Just answer me one question, would you ever give up on Niall? On the band?" Louis questioned and at the time, Liam didn't question it. Although he was still sobering up, he was also still drunk.

"I would never give up on him. He is why I wake up in the morning. My ray of sunshine. Those gorgeous blue eyes. Even if he hearts me again and again, until I really see no reason to try, only then will I give up on Niall." Liam was still mumbling, his eyes closing a few times as he spoke. Louis listened, not saying a word but smiling none the less.

"As for the band, if its not meant to be I won't force us to be a band. It wouldn't be the same without Harry. But we've just proved we can write and be one without him. If he asks us to carry on and we're fine with it, I don't see why we wouldn't. But if any of us feel like we can't go on. I would understand." 

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