Chapter 14 - Don't Forget Where You Belong

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Louis' POV (Three days later)

He didn't know what to tell the boys. He didn't even know what to think himself. What to do... What to say. He just didn't know.

At that moment his phone pinged and curiousity got the better of him. He raised his eyebrows, Niall had posted on Instagram for the first time in days. It was the longest he had gone without posting, the worst part? He didn't talk to them. Rehearsal, polite interviews, hard exterior, no smiling and laughable Niall, no cheekily holding hands with Liam when fans aren't looking. The old Niall had gone. When Niall said, don't miss me, he had truly meant something. None of them realised what until it was too late.

(AN: Imagine there's a tattoo on the arm in his pocket and the necklace is the one Liam gave him. His other hand is cropped but imagine there's a packet of cigarettes there. x)


Niallhoran: Gonna hit rock bottom, does anyone need anything? xx

Niam2000_, Zayn and others liked this photoNiam: oh fuck Jesus he's hot in black Zayn: my bro! 🔥Niallhoran replied to Zayn Ofc man! Liampayneofficial: Ni, answer the phone xxOnedirectionfan2: Niall never smokes, should we be concerned? Niallhoran...

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Niam2000_, Zayn and others liked this photo
Niam: oh fuck Jesus he's hot in black
Zayn: my bro! 🔥
Niallhoran replied to Zayn Ofc man!
Liampayneofficial: Ni, answer the phone xx
Onedirectionfan2: Niall never smokes, should we be concerned?
Niallhoran replied to onedirectionfan2 Nah, darlin. I'm just fine.
Liampayneofficial: Niall? B? Xx
12,002 other comments..

Louis's attention was only on the cigarettes and caption, as well as the comments. He's going to hit rock bottom... He's... Shit. Before he could even comment or like anything, Liam was calling him. Louis answered straight away.

"He's ignoring me! He's smoking and ignoring me! Louis, the love of my life is not leaving me like this!" Liam sounded like he had been crying and his voice cracked towards the end. Louis hadn't heard Liam cry in a long, long time. He was their rock, their shoulder to cry on. To hear him so panicked, so upset... It broke Louis.

"Alright, Liam. He isn't. We're going to make sure he isn't. I'm certain he loves you too-"

"How can you say that? When he hasn't told me it was me he loved in Never have I ever?" Liam questioned and Louis didn't know what to say, that was when he heard chatting and talking, loud music in the background. He frowned deeply, that sounded a lot like...

"Where are you, Li?"

"In a bar. Getting a drink. I'll text you."

"Liam, its five pm -" Liam had hung up.

Louis cursed loudly.

Half an hour later he was outside the bar Liam claimed to be at. Louis had no idea what to expect but as he entered, this wasn't it. Liam was dancing with some girls and guys in the middle of the dancefloor, a drink in hand not looking too out of it yet.

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