Chapter 13 - Night Changes

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Niall's POV

There's two sides to everyone. Their kind, always find the positives, always smiling. Always happy. Dances as if no one is watching. Sings, performs, never misses a beat. Always just seems so put together. Watch them you think wow, he must have a great life. They're so happy. They laugh like they don't have a care in the world. They think they're just so perfect. Then you have this other side. This is the side that Satan loves to pick on. It's their anxious side, it's their insecure side its their fearful side. The side that can't let go or understand why the person left or why the person lied or why this person changed their mind or why this person made up that rumour about them or why no one likes them. The side that needs love the most but can't accept it.
Niall, journey entry, 23.06.15

Three months had passed.

Two more concerts to go.

One in New York.

One in Sydney.

Then a new album release, dedicated to Harry.

Then... Well... Who knew.

For now, they were doing an interview in SNL.

It wasn't doing much, they were just discussing the tour and they'd play 'Be Brave' for the audience and everyone watching at home. Niall was quite quiet. Strangely quiet. He didn't know if anyone noticed.

He was just thinking back to the days of X-Factor. To their first tour. To their first album. Everything that's happened the past five years, Niall was thinking about it.

He felt a hand on his thigh which made him blink in surprise, glancing to see who it was, he managed a smile when it was Liam. Niall didn't even know why he had to look to see who it was anymore, he should always know, it's always going to be Liam. He hoped.

Oh how much he hoped. Even if...

"Niall, you zoned out." Liam said quietly.

He then glanced back to Jimmy who was looking at him with concern. Guilt shone in Niall's eyes. "So sorry, Jimmy." He apologised automatically and Jimmy nodded once.

"It's fine, Niall. There's a lot going on. It's understandable. We're going to play a game of Never Have I Ever." Niall bit his lip and nodded, relaxing a little into the sofa and ever so slightly into Liam's hold. Though he couldn't let himself do that anymore. Breathing a little heavy, he slowly moved away from Liam, pretending to just be getting comfy but he moved closer to Zayn than him, leaving a bit of a gap between himself and Liam. Niall stared at a spot on the wall.

"Alright, so... never have I ever sung your own song in the shower?" He started off with and Niall put on a laugh. He didn't feeling great today. Not great at all. He knew exactly why. He was putting out small changes. Loud changes.

Niall changed his to I have and he looked at the others, only Louis said he hadn't. "I dont really sing in the shower," Louis commented with a sheepish shrug.

Jimmy laughed and then asked, "Never have I ever, wrote a song about someone you care about?"

All of them turned the signs to they had. Looking a bit surprised at each other, mainly because Niall never showed anyone the songs that he's written in his journal. Not even Liam. Maybe he should, one day, but some are too depressing for anyone to hear. Some just need to be left on a piece of paper.

"Will we be hearing these soon?" Jimmy asked and Liam answered, in a cooler tone than usual but Niall couldn't look at Liam, not to see the pain in his eyes. "Some, you might." It was a vague answer, but there was a hint. The fans were smart, they'd get the hint.

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