Chapter 21 - I'll Catch You

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Louis's POV (6 months later)

"So?" Niall questioned and Louis looked at his five best friends with the proudest look in his eyes. He uncovered his daughters face, her blue eyes were wide open as she looked around and he had her cradled in his arms as he spoke in response to Niall's question.

"Meet Darcy Charlotte." He wasn't expecting to hear a squeal from Niall, or a gasp from Eddie as he stood closer to the group. "Isn't she perfect?" Louis spoke in complete awe.

"She has Harry's eyes." Liam commented, happy tears falling down his face.

"I want one." Niall said and Liam laughed, "Isn't being an uncle alright for now?" Niall pouted in response as Louis laughed at the pair. "Zayn, do you want to hold her?" Louis asked and Zayn nodded with a true smile as he took her carefully, holding her head up as he did so, a tear falling down his cheek.

Eddie took a picture as Zayn held Darcy and Louis smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. He just wanted Harry to see their daughter. Unfortunately the world had other plans.

Flashback to the morning.

"We have One Direction with us today! The boys have completed another successful tour, Love you goodbye is by far the biggest tour sold by a boy band out to date. Niall, how are you feeling buddy?" Roman questioned and Niall grinned. "Great, just great. It was amazing to be on the road again and to have every stadium filled out was a dream."

"You have all been successful. Was Eddie not going to join us today?" He asked and Louis shook his head.

"He's got some well earned time off." Eddie was really popular, just as popular as Harry. Louis wasn't surprised by that. He was happy for Eddie.

"Louis, how are you doing?" Roman asked seriously and Louis bit his lip. The tour was distracting him, distracting him from the fact that he was without Harry. But at the same time, it just reminded him how much that Harry wasn't there. He was putting on a brave face. When he was alone, he was writing songs. When he was with the boys, he was singing. It was a routine. But Harry was always on his mind. It was killing him.

"Would be handling it a lot worse if I hadn't got my brother's with me." Louis said and Roman nodded as Liam nudged him with a grin.

"You're going on a hiatus for a year is that right? Any reason why?"

Just as Louis was about to answer his phone rang and Louis's heart beated quickly. His baby was about to be born any day now, and he'd know if Brianna was put in labour or not. As he looked at his phone it was Brianna.

"Sorry, I need to take this" Louis spoke and Roman nodded as Louis answered. "Come to the hospital, my waters broke." She sounded tired and Louis couldn't hide his shock or smile. Nodding, he said, "I'll be right there darling."

Hanging up, he then turned to the lads. "It's time." Niall jumped up with excitement and the others held themselves together as they stood too.

"What do you mean it's time?" Roman asked and Louis completely forgot about him for a minute there.

"You'll find out. We can't thank our fans enough. The reason why, well. You'll find out soon. That's all I can say. Sorry but we have to go. Now." Louis said urgently as they left the radio station.

"One Direction everybody." Roman spoke and played one of their new songs, in shock.  Out of all their interviews, that was the craziest one.  For sure.

"Here, Louis. She fell asleep in my arms." Zayn whispered and Louis smiled fondly, taking Darcy back into his arms. He didn't need to look up to know Eddie was taking another picture.

"Darcy, your Father would be very proud to have called you his daughter. I'm sorry you are never going to get to know him. But you have five amazing uncles that will protect you and love you forever. As will I." Louis spoke quietly as he rocked her back and forth.

He will do anything to make her happy. To protect her with everything he has. Whatever the future had in store for them, he would take it.

Unknown to them, a ghostly figure was watching the scene from the corner of the room with a proud look in their eyes and a look of sorrow and sadness. They had mixed emotions. Proud and happy for Louis but sad that he'll never meet his daughter. Sad that his friends and One Direction are moving on without him but happy because they're all together. Happy that Liam and Niall are engaged and happy that Zayn is still with the band. He's happy that the world has accepted Eddie, but sad that they've moved on.

He felt like he had unfinished business.

When Louis was left by himself, rocking their daughter, he stepped over and stoked her cheek, wiping away her tears.  "I'll catch you." He whispered.

Harry stared.

He had wiped away her tears.

How could he have done, when he wasn't even here?

What had the universe got in store for them?

The end!!!

Can't believe I've finished the story already. I might write a sequel, what do you think?

I don't know how popular this will be, or won't be. I just like the way it turned out and I hope you do too.
Love, P xx

Do it TTW, or...

If all else fails, be Niall Horan.

A quote be me.

See you in the epilogue!

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