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A.N.- Sorry for the wait but i have decided to do weekly updates from now on. But after work is getting started the updates will probably be monthly.


After that me and Jason decided it is better to go in a taxi to be there quickly and avoid some monsters.

"We cant just hitch a ride with a normal taxi, that will be too dangerous,"
"I have an idea," I smirked.I put my hand out onto the road and dropped a drachma.

The Sky Darkened and a gray taxi appeared from the horizon racing towards us. The Chariot of Damnation had arrived.I sat in the back with Jason looking out the window staring at how the world ran by. I looked in the middle of the seat, i felt someone was there, i was hearing noises, noises i didn't understand. Sobbing, yes it was sobbing.

"Percy," the voice cried on repeatedly.
"Percy, Percy, PERCY,"
"W wh what,"
"You were just staring at the seat and your eyes glazed over, did something happen?"

"No, No i'm fine," I replied. "Oh look we're here, come on lets go. Me and Jason climbed out of the taxi and started walking towards the gate. The mansion was very large and beautiful. From this angle it looked like a one story, but i knew it continued below and looked over the deep ocean. We walked past the gate and rang the doorbell.

"Who is it," a voice called from inside. The door opened and Piper's dad Tristan McLean stepped out. "Oh, you must be Piper's friends, Piper your friends are here," he called out.
"Coming," a voice yelled from the inside.
"I have to say we didn't expect you to be this early,"

"Well traffic, right," i smiled at him. Finally after what seemed like hours Piper came down, she was wearing a clean orange camp-half-blood shirt and ripped blue jeans, she had a harpy feather braided in with her hair and her dagger strapped to her waist. Tristan's eyes glazed and the mist swirled.

"So you're going for a sleepover, and you will probably be back day after tomorrow,"
"Yeah dad, love you," she kissed him on the cheek and shouldered her backpack."

We walked away from the house and stole Mr.Bedrosso's car again, this time it was a black Cadillac.I drove since i was technically 4 thousand years old and Piper and Jason sat in the backseat, her backpack calling shotgun. "So Piper do you remember what we had to do,"

"Yeah yeah, go to some Mexican dessert find some fire breathing and giant and kill him right,"
"Well yes but remember the goal of the quest is to just get intel on their plans then kill him.


"Sooo have you guys solved the prophecy yet," Jason asked.
"Yeah, 3 shall go beyond the border meaning us. Beyond the border narrows it down to Canada or Mexico and it cant be Canada because Percy had a dream about it being in a desert. I don't know what the second line means though, the triangle they shall order, what does that mean."
"Maybe there is some magical triangle we can command,"Jason said hopefully.
"Fire they Seek, probably means the infernal flame," Percy added.
"What is that," I asked.
"Well legend says that the infernal flame was created before us gods and even the titans, it was made by the original primordial of fire, Fotia, during its creation the primordial faded using all of his power on the flame and was forgotten by mankind," explained Percy
"Well how does some fire made from a dead guy help us,"
"The fire supposedly had the power to imbue the user with power and make them a primordial for one day."
"That is so cool," Jason responded.
"What do the last two lines mean though, earth they speak and disappear their leader, does that mean our leader or their leader." I inquired.
"I don't know, but what i do know is that this quest is going to be hard."

Jason Screamed," Percy watch out!," A hulking figure just landed in front of them and Percy swiveled. The good thing was we didnt hit that thing, bad thing was Percy swiveled right, which was the direction of the cliff, we ran straight through the railing and barreled into the ocean below.

A.N.- So how was the chapter? As you probably read in the beginning i will be doing weekly updates not monthly from now on. This chapter was fun to right and should give more insight into the next few chapters. Hope you enjoyed!

Words- 780

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