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A/N: Imma try angst! I will try but my specialty is fluff! TW: Mentions of suicide and use of homophobic language, along with self-harm and PTSD. Please don't read if you don't want these things in a story

                   Ford was disgusted, revolted, and the worst part about it was that it was his decisions and his doing. He was Bills' favorite pawn, the servant but not quite, and he bought it. Every moment of praise, every second of fake love, all those years of thinking he had found his person, his soulmate even. Ford was going have to get over this, and fast, if he wanted to survive.

               Lifting his head from his hands and drying the tears off with his ragged trench coat sleeve, Ford reached across his desk for the postcard that he had meant to send to his little brother, and scribbled the first few words that came to mind...

              After all these years, 3 words from his brother, just at this moment? There was no way in hell that this was real, just as he was shaking the pills out of the bottle? Impossible, of course he was coming. Stan Pines was going to Oregon, little did he know that his six-fingered counterpart was more scarred, in every way possible, than he could ever fathom.

        The snowflakes seemed like little blades nipping at Stans' face, maybe he wouldn't have to shave. Stan had purposely avoided the states that had snow, he hated it, one of the many ways he and Ford were different. He knocked once and Ford answered before a second could hit the one square thing in this giant triangle of a house. For some reason, he had a crossbow and thought Stan was going to "steal his eyes," much to the suprise of the mullet-headed twin.

            Ford quickly beckoned his twin into his home, but didn't apologize, and seemed much more, paranoid. More than normal, which was saying something, Ford pretty obviously had been through some shit, and Stan didn't want to meddle. Who wants people all up in  their business? As the kids of the 80's say.

         Then, Ford showed him the portal,

"There is nothing about this I understand," Stan nearly whispered, dumbfounded at the idea

"It's a trans-universal gateway, a punched hole in a weak spot in our dimension, and my worst idea ever." The look of regret  in Fords eyes was similar to a war vet, reliving all of his battles, what Stan didn't see was the look of betrayal and lost love.

A/N: Wasn't much a Billford but whatevs

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