The Fearamid

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A/N: Alright, I'm going to try, TRY, some, like, angsty smut? I'LL TRY?!?! For you guys, tell me how I do. Also imma say right now that Bill is a bottom, nothing else is relevant, the only au where Bill could be a top is in that one from ao3 where Ford is dressed like a catholic priest?? Ford is bottom as fuck in that. Anywho, let's, pray this will b decent??? 🤞 Also I should say that this differs from canon, not plot wise, but like this goes down different. TW: Talk of sex and sexual topics, implied sexual content, mentioned drug use and drinking, implied depression/ self harm. Das yrev si llib. I recommend the songs Your Love and Heat Waves by Glass Animals, Stay High by Tove Lo, and Feel Something by Bea Miller slowed and reverb for this angsty piece of shit!💅😊

Oh Sixer, Sixer Sixer Sixer, I did it. This world is mine, you lost.

Yet here I am, hyping myself up to talk to you, just like old times. With the same teddy bear.

Geez Bill, I cursed myself, you own this dimension now, you're an all powerfull demon, talking to your ex wont kill you. You're right, I know.

I slapped my new human face a few times and bounced on the balls of my feet, before sitting on the glossy black piano bench in front of a matching piano. I began playing one of my favorite tunes singing along as the platform I was on elevated to the penthouse suite. Where Sixer had been placed and was waiting for me,

"We'll, meet again!"


"Don't know where, don't know when!" My mouth felt dry and my head felt heavy, Bill had just snapped his fingers,

"Let my go, you three sided, ah" One things for sure, he definatly wasn't an equilateral anymore, but was in a form much more familiar. Tanned skin with freckles dotting his cheeks and exposed forearms, a pale blond head of hair waved in front of his eyes, light blue eyes overflowing with mischief were framed by dark and thick eyelashes. Bill was wearing his usual, a waistcoat over a white dress shirt which had the sleeves rolled above his elbows, and a matching top-hat, along with that grin, the grin that won me over, the grin he told me he loved me with, the grin he flashed when he told me I was only a pawn in his scheme, the grin I dreamed about for years.

I could feel my cheeks warms and my palms begin to sweat, I instinctively tugged at the hem of my turtle-neck. Bill took notice and stepped away from the piano he had been sitting at and stood in front of me, levelling his eyes with mine and placing his hands at my shoulders.

"Ya miss me, Sixer?" He said in a voice so low it was almost a whisper, I shoved him away and turned away from him,

"You damn well I don't," I spat, Bill sighed and made a pouty face,

"Ah well, I'm not asking for you to take me back," he said standing up again, " I want to take weirdmaggedon global, a party that never ends with a host that never dies, I want the galaxy to be my oyster, but I can't seem to leave Gravity Falls,"

"I researched this years ago," I whispered, "It's just a simple equation,"

"Well, can I have it?"

"Like hell!" I said louder, Bill made a sound of disapproval before sitting down next to me, I scooted away from him, pressing myself against the arm of the loveseat. Wait. That's pretty clever, I'll give him that, but not out loud.

"Look," Bill said in an unusually serious and, sad, tone, "I've done you wrong-"

"Yeah, no shit sherlock," I mumbled,

"But I want to apologize, and possibly offer some sort of, incentive?"

"A reward for my 30 years of absolute hell? Or maybe for all those years you lied to me,"

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