something in your eyes

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[last few chapters are going to be long asf]
4 months later
It's the morning as I'm getting ready. I stay crying already as I heard y/ns music on the radio. Everything has been so black and white. I've been so depressed. The phone rings probably one of the guys checking on me. "Michael bivins? Your daughters here. She's crying sir. She's made it to new born!" The nurse says as you laugh as tears coming down your hang up immediately as you run out to you car and to the hospital. You got to the hospital and the nurses were excited for you and lead you to the room. The baby was in a heated pad. "You ready to see her?" The nurse asks "Yes!" I say and walk over to where she layed. I immediately started crying. "Oh my god she looks just like her mom. Damn her genes are strong" I say "hell yea that's the first thing we noticed. It's okay for you to hold her" the nurse says i gently picked her up and held her as I was crying. My world went back to color. I felt so inlove again. My beautiful healthy daughter. Shes my miracle. I had my greatest gift taken away from and know I have knew one. "She's beautiful. We did good baby" I hear y/n whisper in my ear as I smile and she starts crying as you rock her and kissed her on the cheek as she calmed down. "Yo I needa call my brothers I say placing the baby down and getting my phone "yo Ralph spread the word to the brothers my baby girl here she here! Get y'all asses over here I have a daughter!" "What?" Ralph says tiredly "Mhm man she looks just like my wife" I say smiling "okay okay we all in our way" Ralph says and hangs up the phone. I go back to my baby. She looks just like y/n when she was younger. She had my smile. I pick her back up and kiss her as she giggles. That laugh. I attack her with kisses as she starts laughing again. The nurse comes in. "Have you figured out a name? For birth certificate?" Then all the boys walk in as you were holding the baby as the crowd around her. "Oh my god" Ralph says "we all thinking the same thing?" Ronnie asks "she looks-"Ricky says "just like her mom" Johnny finishes. Ricky squeals "let me hold her man" and you pass the baby to Ricky "awhhh she's so cuteee" Ricky says smiling "yo waddup baby I'm yo uncle slick because ya know I'm so fly and slick. Know what I'm sayin" Ricky says and the baby starts laughing and everyone freezes "yo thats y/ns laugh. Like her when she was like 4 years old laugh" Ronnie says "she got yo smile but that laugh is y/ns" Ralph says holding the baby. "Yo when we head back I really need y'all help. I didn't think this baby was gonna work I didn't and I spent too much tile crying and being all depressed could guys please help me set up I'll pay y'all" "mannn why would you even bring up paying us?" "This our niece we obviously gonna help you out" Ralph says hugging the baby "Mhm tell us what you need us to be done" "I need a nursery paint the guest bedroom closet to our room with a crib." I say "Ralph and I will do that" Johnny says and you nod. "What the hell do babies eat?" I ask "call Bobby" Ralph says taking the baby "Yea he got like 2 kids already" you get up and call Bobby. He says he's gonna come over and help with the baby since he knows how. "Yo what's her name" "I was thinking of naming her y/n" I say. "Yeah actually that's a good idea" "I like it. Just like her moms. Y/n jr." Johnny says rocking the baby as she starts to fall asleep. "Middle name?" The nurse says writing the certificate. "Uhm I'm not sure" "oh do baby! So it could be like y/ns baby" Ricky says you thought about it. "Actually slick sometimes you got good ideas we'll do baby as middle name." "Okay y/n baby bivins" the nurse says writing the certificate. She puts her "birth date" as today. She finished filling it out and printed it.

We're at home as Bobby was showing me how to feed the baby. She was always smiling and laughing. I want her to stay this little. I don't want to explain to why she doesn't have a mom because I wasn't there to protect her and I sure as hell don't want to boys tryna grab her. Ronnie comes in "Yo this baby finna be poppin!" Ronnie says walking in with bags of clothing. Ronnie was in charge of clothes. Ralph and Johnny on the nursery. Ricky was buying the supplies for the baby. He had bags full of clothes and shoes. He pulled out track pants and outfits y/n would wear and some BBD inspired outfits but for babies. He of course got some cute things like onesies and pajamas. We calling y/n jr baby for now. "Whatchu think baby" ronnie says as she showed her the haul and she smiles. Ricky comes in with the supplies. Diapers wipes shampoo everything for a baby. You heard drills from upstairs. "God thank you guys so much I can't thank you enough" ricky says "any time man for real if you ever need us to watch her I got you" Ronnie says "Mhm we ain't gonna leave you alone to raise this kid" Ronnie says as you smile as your holding your baby as she lays into you. "Man I'm worried for the day when she figures out her mom isn't alive" "chill man she's a baby still. Don't worry about that" Ronnie says getting her clothes "can we put this upstairs?" "Yea lets go look at the nursery. " and you all run upstairs it was perfect the walls were a soft baby pink with beautiful crib and dresser that had a a cute baby lamp and toys. Baby y/n was fidgeting in your arms as she wanted to be let down. She just stood there. She was making these weird noises like she was trying to sing. I smile and pick her back up. "Did any of y'all know she was pregnant? Did she tell anyone of you guys?" I ask. Ronnie, Bobby, Ralph and Johnny raise there hand. My jaw dropped. "Hey how com she didn't tell me I feel left out" ricky says "you cant keep no damn secret slick" Ronnie says and he rolls his eyes "how-why-how the hell?" I ask confused "y/n knew you wanted kids but she didn't know how to tell you. Like how she told you. She said you was going so good in bell Biv Devoe and she wanted more success for you guys and she didn't want you to stop and watch her and be there for her. She told us she took the test alone and went to the doctor and everything but she kept it a secret" Ralph says "she sat us all down because she couldn't hide her secret anymore, well except slick because he damn well would have said something." Ralph's says and everyone nods "but I was way more open to wanting a family then she was" I say heartbroken "man you taking it the wrong way she was just nervous to tell you. She knew you how bad you wanted kids she just was worried that's it" Johnny says shrugging "yeah I guess you right. I just wish I could have celebrated with her." I say looking at my baby girl.

Flashback Ralph's pov
Y/n looked anxious as she told all of us to get in the room. "What the hell goin on?" I ask as she locks the door to the guess bedroom. Ronnie allaying in the floor and Johnny and I and Bobby on sitting on the bed. "You wanna divorce mike and get with me right?" Bobby says "I knew it always felt a connection" Bobby says again "shut the hell up" y/ns snaps back and Bobby rolls his eyes. "Just hurry up I'm getting my dick licked in like 20 minutes" Ronnie says almost like he's about to take a nap on the floor. Y/ns was looking down. "What I don't have all-" I was interrupted "I'm pregnant" y/n blurts out and my mouth drops. Everyone was so surprised "damn mike stroke game weak if he finally getting you pregnant" Ronnie says laughing to himself. "Remember when I got in that car accident in like 1985." She asks "sure" I say "no" Johnny says "well at the hospital they said I couldn't get pregnant. Mike and I stopped using condoms as soon as we got married-" "shit don't y'all fuck like every single night when your together. There was no way  especially on Saturday nights when you get out of the shower with a peach body wash" Ronnie says casually and we all look at crazyily "his favorite lingerie color is red white pink and it takes Mike 12 minutes you 15" he says still casually "how the hell you know that?" I ask flipping the cap off his head "yo we always chill outside smoke a bit and fuck around and have these types of conversations. We're together for months. Obviously he's gonna bring up his sex life. We all do" Ronnie says smiling. Everyone looks at him crazily "damn your acting like that came out my mouth not her horny ass husbands mouth. Just finish yo story" Ronnie says and I laugh "damn okay "so mike knows?" "No I couldn't hold it in any longer. Bell Biv Devoe is doing so good I don't want him to stop to worry about me. I know how bad he wants a family. I just can't tell him now but I needed to tell someone so y'all better not tell mike" y/n says in one breath. I looked over at Bobby and he was looking down. He was jealous of mike but didn't wanna admit it. Ron was smiling laying on his stomach and swinging his feet.
"I'm so excited can I be an uncle" Ronnie asks and y/n just rolls her eyes "damn" Ron says
[end flashback]
6:00pm mikes pov
The boys left as you were feeding her. I always stared at baby. She resembles her mom so much. She wore this cute baby pink onesie. Once she finished I picked her up and burp her. Once she finished I take her to her nursery. She starts crying as soon as I put her down. "Baby it's okay" I say picking her up again. "It's okay baby me and your mom love you so so much calm down" you say kissing her repeatedly on her cheek. She wouldn't let me put her down so I just let her fall asleep in my arms then put her in the crib. Then she woke back up and started crying as I go sigh and pick her back up. I take her to my room for the night.

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