Just like old times

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Soap: We've got one good UMP. They've got a thousand. Plus, we don't even know if Makarov's intel is any good

Price: The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is it's last day on earth. But I think of it as a luxury, not a curse. To know that you're close to the end is a kind of freedom. A good time to take inventory. Outnumbered. Outgunned. Out of our minds. On a suicide mission. But the sand and rocks here, stained with a thousand years of warfare... They will remember us for this. Because out of all our vast array of nightmares, this is the one we chose for ourselves. We go forward like a breath exhaled from the earth. With vigor in our hearts and one goal in sight. We WILL kill Shepherd

(Nikolai drops Soap and Price off near a cliff)

Nikolai: I will wait for you at the exfil point. Three hours

Price: Don't bother, mate. This was a one way flight

Nikolai: Then good luck, my friend

Price: Soap, I'm picking up a thermal spike up ahead. The cave must be somewhere over the edge

(Price and Soap look through the scopes of their sniper rifles and see a group of shadow company soldiers)

Price: Enemy patrol. Looks like Makarov's intel was solid. This is it. This decryption code had better be worth the price we paid

Shadow Company: Alpha, report in

Shadow Company: All clear

Shadow Company: Bravo?

Shadow Company: Sandstorm. Not much to see right now, over

Shadow Company: Zulu?

Shadow Company: We're starting our patrol east along the canyon, north side access road, over

Price: On my mark. 3...2...1... mark

(Soap and Price snipe the shadow company soldiers one by one)

Price: Just like old times

(Price and Soap slide down a hill)

Price: We don't have much time before they find the bodies. Lets keep moving. Here we go, hook up here

Shadow Company: Disciple four, Oxide, do you copy, over?

(Price and Soap rappel down a ledge and take out two shadow company soldiers with their knives)

Shadow Company: Hey, I'm not getting anything from disciple four at the north ridge road. Could be a bad transmitter

Price: Tango up ahead. Do not engage

(Soap takes out a shadow company soldier with an ACR, then goes to the outside of a cave. When all of the shadow company soldiers come running towards him, he takes them all out with his ACR, with sniper support from Price)

Price: Are my instructions a joke to you?

Shadow Company: Butcher seven, Oxide, we've lost contact with disciple five

Shadow Company: Probably just the sandstorm rolling in

Shadow Company: Send a team to check it out, over

Shadow Company: Roger that. I'll send Vincent and Lambert. Butcher seven out

(Soap and Price casually walk through the cave)

Price: Soap, we've got two tangos with tac lights guarding the door. Take the one on the left. I've got the one on the right. Three...two...one... mark

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