Chapter 8

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"No way did she say that!" Rachel screamed.

"Shh! And I know, I can't believe it either. She actually said it!" I said in amazement. "This means I have a chance with her" I squeaked.

"Chance with who?" Brittany asked walking up to us.

"N-no one" I stuttered which made Rachel stiffle a laugh and Britt raise an eyebrow.

"Well, ignoring how convincing you were," She said sarcastically "Could I sit with you guys for my break?"

"Yeah sure!" Rachel replied.

"Thanks" she took a seat in the booth next to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I looked over at Rachel and saw her smiling like a maniac. "So what were you guys talking about?" She asked.

"U-uh..." I stammered.

"She was telling about your outing with Sugar on the weekend" Rachel quickly covered for me.

"Yeah! I was telling her about how much fun I had spending time with you and Sugar" I added causing Brittany to give me a warm smile.

"I'm glad" she said causing my heart to flutter. "Rachel, how are you and Finn going?" She asked

"Yeah we're good. He asked me to the homecoming dance the other day so I'll need to go shopping for a dress soon" she said.

"Your homecoming dance is coming up?" She questioned with an eyebrow raise.

"Yeah. Didn't Santana tell you about it? She's running for Queen" Rachel told her.


"No" Britt said looking at me with a smile "she didn't" she teased.

"Yeah. She's put up poster around the school and everything" Rachel said.

"Is that so?" She questioned.

"Yeah" I said not looking at her.

"Soooo" she drew out. "Do you have a date to homecoming?" She asked with a suggesting look.

"A couple of girls have asked me. Even one guy asked me" I said as all three of us let out a breathy laugh. "But. . .I umm. . . said no to all of them" I mumbled.

"Why's that" she asked while her grin got bigger.

"Um. . .uhhh"

"Sooo I'm uhh. . .gonna go get another coffee for us both so I'll be right back" Rachel said sliding out of the booth and throwing me a wink over her shoulder.

Brittany turned my way so she was now fully facing me. "So. . .back to the question" she said

"Okay, well. . . umm" okay Santana just do it! Just ask Brittany! Her friend said she liked me! it's now or never. "I. . . was kinda hoping you'd go with me" I said "O-only if you want to!" I quickly back peddled.

She looked at me and her eyes sparkled as her smile went from eye to eye. "I flattered. Although I never really heard a question there San" she joked.

"Shut up" I mumbled as I playfully shoved her. This made both of us laugh. I took a deep breath and finally managed to get out what I wanted. "Do you want to go to the homecoming dance with me?" I asked suddenly feeling a lot more nervous than I had originally anticipated.

"Of course" she said as she pulled me into a hug. I didn't really care that we were kinda in an awkward position from the way that we were sitting. I just melted into her touch. I felt like I was flying. I held onto her as if my life depended on it.

"I'm back" Rachel sang -adding a run because she's Rachel- as she sat back down in the booth. "Clearly I missed something because of the hugging" she said.

We pulled apart but she still kept an arm around my waist as I leant into her.

"You did miss something" I said with my jaw starting to hurt from smiling too much. That didn't stop me though. "I now have a date to homecoming" I bragged.

"Mmhm" Britt agreed. "I going with future homecoming queen" she said smiling down at me.

"Great, well now I feel like a massive third wheel" Rachel joked. Although I guess it wasn't much of a joke because she really was third wheeling.

"Well I need to get back to work but I'll see you guys later. bye Rachel" She said looking at Rach. She then directed her gave towards me. "And goodbye to you too, beautiful" she said.

This time I beat her and it was me giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Yup" I said with a toothy grin "I'll call you" I told her as she walked away. She just looked over her shoulder and smiled.

"Just remember. I'm gonna be the maid of honour at your wedding"

"Can it, Berry!"

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