The Two Wives of Abdul-Sharif - Part II

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     Two months passed before the fateful meeting day arrived. Asiya positioned herself in the kitchen, pretending to concentrate intently on chopping vegetables for the salad. Her eldest daughter, who stood nearby, was also silent, having taken a clue from her mother's mood.

     Intuitive child, thought Asiya. Apparently doesn't take after her father. She was still fuming from the jewelry store receipt he casually dropped on the coffee table, his $649.98 gift to his new bride.

     She chopped the celery so hard she made Danniah jump. "Go see what your sisters are doing- Now!" The girl left, shrugging her shoulders.

     They should be back by now, Asiya thought. How long does it take to pick out sheets and shower curtains? Thank Allah, she has her own apartment, not like Uthman's wives in Wichita, all in one house like that.

     I don't want to meet her at all, but now I have no choice but go through with it. She looked at the clock. Sharif said he would be back after maghrib prayer. That was an hour ago.

     Soon she heard his heavy footsteps coming up the walk, followed by softer taps.

     From the open counter, Asiya could see the living-room and the door. She took a deep breath, slowly letting it out. She re-tossed the salad. "I'm not coming out of here no matter what," she said under her breath.

     The key turned in the lock and without knocking, Abdul-Sharif entered with his new bride beside him.

     "Assalamulaikum," he called.

     The kids came running. "Daddy's here. Daddy's here," they called. He swept the two youngest up in his arms with hugs and kisses. "Assalamulaikum, Daddy," said Danniah, who hung back from the others, nearer to Asiya. 

     But Asiya was watching "her." Silently, Firdousi slipped off her shoes, her long embroidered coat-dress and hijab before she turned, at the same time flipping her very long black hair back into place. Oh my God, said Asiya to herself, She's gorgeous.

     "Give salams to Firdousi too," Abdul-Sharif said.

     " 'Salamulaikum," said the younger children, with Danniah's and Asiya's salams trailing after. 

     "Walaikum assalam, everyone," Firdousi replied. Her voice was a soft soprano tone. To Asiya she said, "What a beautiful apartment you have." She heard Asiya's barely audible "Humph." She looked at the drawn, round-faced woman tossing salad, who wore the same bitter expression her aunt had throughout the wedding festivities.

     "I have to check the chicken," said Asiya, turning away. So that's how it's going to be, thought Firdousi. 

     "Are you my auntie or another mommy?" asked the four year old. "She's your step-mother, silly," said Danniah, who was now in the action. "Zanubi doesn't know anything," she explained to Firdousi.

     "You're really pretty," said Sarah. "You're very pretty too," returned Firdousi, giving her a big hug, as she sat down with her on the couch.

     "Where did you get those?" asked Danniah, pointing to the purple and gold glass bangles Firdousi was wearing. "These were a wedding gift from my auntie in Pakistan," replied Firdousi.

     "They're really cool," exclaimed Danniah.

    "Let me know which colors you like and I'll get you some," said Firdousi. Soon Sarah and Zanubi wanted some "churi" too.

     Firdousi smiled. She knew now the girls would be okay, but what about Asiya? She would have to deal with her too.

     She looked toward the kitchen. "How's dinner coming?" she heard her husband ask from inside the kitchen.

     "Almost ready," Asiya replied. "You can put the corn and the potatoes on the table for me."

     "Not yet," he said, pulling her close and kissing her fiercely. "I missed you," he whispered.

     Asiya knew Firdousi might see them, but didn't care. Let her get an eyeful, she thought as she kissed her husband back. Somehow, her earlier annoyance at him vanished. "Missed you too," she said, aloud. 

     Firdousi felt very small and turned her attention again to the children.

     Somehow, both women made it through dinner and the evening prayers Abdul-Sharif insisted they all perform together. "Cause we're all on the Abdul-Sharif team now," he said. Both Asiya and Firdousi rolled their eyes at that. If their husband saw, he took no notice of it, but remained unabashedly exuberant.

     After prayers, Abdul-Sharif got ready to take his new bride home. "Be right back. Soon as I get Firdousi tucked in, I'll tuck you all in," he said to the girls, but while winking at Asiya.

     Now Asiya had time to get the girls, and herself, ready for bed. If she'd known Firdousi was going to be dressed so elaborately, she would have worn something besides her favorite house-dress. Not only did she get a look at the jewelry her husband had bought Firdousi, but several dinner rings and gold bangles, plus the purple and gold armful she wore on the other wrist. Still, she had to admit, it did look good with the purple silk tunic set she wore- not that the girl needed any adornment. I should have known Sharif would pick someone like her, she thought. She may be a little show off, but at least she's good with the kids, and she does like my fried chicken, judging from how much she ate of it. I guess I can deal with her, when I have to. 

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