Chapter 14

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All of sudden I felt a tight grip on my neck.
I quickly turned around and spotted Cassandra behind me.

She held my neck tight.
She tried to choke me.

I hit her hands hard, so by the phisical pain, she let go of my neck.

She pushed me onto the ground with all her power and opened the cabined.

She took out a knife

I couldn't help it, I just screamt by fear.

She ran to me and held the knife to my throat.

"You kissed my boyfriend, so now, my sharp friend wants a taste of your blood" Cassandra said

The kitchen door opened.

Darryl stood there and his eyes widened in shock.


The girl looked up at him.
With a quick hand motion, she held up the knife.
This time, I felt an unbearable pain in my left thigh.
I looked at it and the only thing I saw, was the mentioned silver knife in my thigh.
There was a blood pubble under me.

Darryl screamt as Cassandra ran up to him.
She pulled a needle out of her pocket and without any hesitation, she stabbed Darryl with it in the neck.

I could barely see what happened, my vision was blurry, by the unbearable pain that led me to lose consciousness not much later.


I woke up and opened my eyes.

I didn't know where I was at first.

I looked around: I was surrounded by nurses and beeping machines.

I jumped a little as I saw them.

"W-what happened?" I asked, not remembering anything

"Are you Zak?" One of them asked

"Umm yeah, but can someone tell me what happened?"

"Yesterday, the neighbours called 911 as they heard screams from your house.
When the group arrived, they found no one except you, lying on the floor.
You were bleeding so much from the left thigh that almost died of blood loss, but we saved you" A doctor said

The most of the nurses left, but one, a brown haired girl, in her late 20s stayed by my side.

Now I remembered everything from yesterday.

"CASSANDRA!" I yelled

"Oh Cassandra? The sweet blonde girl who came in while you were asleep and left you a note?" The woman said

"Wait, a note?" I asked

"Yes, It's on your nighttable" The woman replied and walked out, leaving me alone in the room

I saw a white paper on my nighttable
I looked at it and I immediately realized It's a letter

I hope you're alive and not died from blood loss, unlike Darryl maybe will and this time I'll make sure my victim dies if i want to end them haha.
Come to Thin Crust street 14. Today, at 11pm, alone, or I'll make sure you won't be able to meet your boyfriend ever again

Cassandra xoxo

I couldn't believe my eyes.


Anger rised in me as I read the letter again and again.
I need to save Darryl.

In the afternoon, they let me go home.
As I arrived home, I called 911 and told the operator the main things that are happened.
In about 10 minuted, a group arrived.

I told them everything from the day we moved in to that moment.

I showed them the letter from Cassandra and we worked out a plan together.

They will surround the building with armed men.
Then I'll go inside alone without any type of weapon.
Then I would say the secret code 'fish in a bucket' what I would say when I'm sure that Cassandra can't hurt any of us permanently and they would come in with the guns.
If anything goes wrong, I would use the 'fish on a plate' to tell them.

At exactly 11pm, I walked inside ths building Cassandra told me to.
The whole building was made up from one room.
The walls, ceilings and the floor were dark grey.

There were no one inside.

I walked around the room anxiously, hoping to find something.

That's when I noticed a staircase in the end of the room.

It led to the basement.

I didn't notice the stairs before, because It had the same dark grey colour like the whole room, so It blended in.

I slowly walked down the stairs.

There was a door.

I knocked on it loudly.

As the grey door opened, I saw Cassandra's evil grin.

She had a knife in her hand.

"Oh Zak! I've been waiting for you!"

I took a step back

"Don't worry, if you'll be a good kid and make the right decisions, no one will get hurt
But let's talk about this inside, shall we?"

I stepped inside and Cassandra shut the door behind me.
I heard a weird noise and I turned around.

I saw my boyfriend tied to a chair and his mouth was covered with a dark grey bandana.

I felt teardrops forming in my eyes.
I ran up to him and hugged him.

Until I felt my arm in pain.
I jumped as I looked at my bloody arm

"I told you to make the right decisions" She 'apologized'

"What do you want from me? From us?" I asked

"Oh no Zak, don't get me wrong, I only need Darryl" She said as she took off Darryl's bandana.

She tried to kiss him on the lips while he was still tied to the chair, but Darryl saw it coming and pulled his face away, making Cassandra's attempt unsuccesful.

"Tricky, tricky are we?" Cassandra asked with a smirk

She then locked the door and untied Darryl.
She handed him the silver knife and said to Darryl

"You should love me to don't die today.
Do you love me?"

"S-sure" Darryl replied, slightly shaking

"Prove it" She said, pointing at the sharp object

"What do you mean?" Darryl asked, shaking more and more

"To prove that you really love me, kill Zak or I'll kill both of you"

Word count: 1000

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