Finn - Heather

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I'm 89% sure someone has done this before. If so then, credits to them.


Finn and I were walking back to my house from going to the record store. He was my first friend when I moved to Vancouver. He became my best friend. So, gradually, I had developed a crush on him.

It was December 3rd and we lived in Vancouver so, it was freezing. Me being from California and a dumb bitch. I underestimated how cold it was going to be so I wore a thin sweater.

Finn was going on and on about how, his mom was inviting family over for the holidays and that he didn't want that because he'd be getting questions from people he barely knew. I zoned out as I thought about how cold it was.

I guess Finn took notice because I heard him stop talking. "Hey, N/n, you okay?" He asked

"Yeah. I'm okay, just a little cold." I answered

"Oh, well, here." Finn said as he starting taking off his sweater

"You don't have to do that."

"No, no, no. It's okay. I'd be a bad friend to let you freeze." He said and put the sweater into my hands.

That word, friend, I didn't like that word. At least not coming out of his mouth. I slipped the sweater on. It was a dark blue polyester sweater. It smelled just like him which made me blush. "Thanks." I said and looked down at the ground to hide my red cheeks.

"No problem. It looks good on you." He complimented

"Yeah. Thanks."


That happened a couple days ago. Me and Finn were at our lockers grabbing stuff for our next classes. And that's when it happened. That's when he saw her.


She was beautiful. She had bright green eyes, blonde hair, plump lips, and a smile that could make your heart melt away. Her figure was perfect. And, not only was she beautiful, she was so, sweet and caring. She held fundraisers for school. She helped out at food banks. She even has a job working at the local animal shelter.

She was everything a girl wanted to be. She was everything every girl and guy wanted. Unfortunately, for me, one of those guys who wanted her was, Finn.

"Y/n, I'm gonna do it." Finn announced

I turned to him confused. "Do what?"

"I'm gonna ask out, Heather." Finn said. That sentence, crushed my soul. There goes any chance at happiness ever.

"Why?" I asked. Although, I didn't mean to ask that. It just kind of slipped out

"What do you mean 'why?' Look at her. She's beautiful." He said. I felt like I was being stabbed in the heart but I tried my hardest not to let it show on my face.

"Oh, well, okay then. Good luck, I guess." I said mumbling the last part

He walked over to the girl at her locker. I watched the two talk before they both started smiling. Then came to an embrace. I felt like my heart shatter. I touched my face to be met with tears I didn't even know we're falling. I shut my locker and ran to the bathroom. As soon as I found out I was in there by myself. I let the tears fall freely.

What did I expect. Heather's an amazing girl. She's so kind and that makes it hard to hate her. But in the back of my mind I just wished she was dead.


When I was finally finished having my mental breakdown in the bathroom. I walked to the bathroom sink and washed my face. I opened the door and saw Heather and Finn holding hands as she wore his dark blue polyester sweater.

They were dating now. There was nothing I could do about it. And he looks so happy. I want him to be happy with me thought. But he's happy and that's all that matters, right?

I wish I was Heather.

☁︎︎Author Speaks☁︎︎:
So that was kind of sad. Anyways, what do you guys think? Make sure to vote so I know people actually read this.

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