Tyler- Pinapple Pizza?

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Me, my mom, and older sister were in the process of unpacking our new house. My mom was unpacking the living room and dining room. My sister was in her room talking to her friends.

I was in my room reading. I loved reading. It's always so calming to be whisked away into other worlds. I was deep into my book when my mom called me and my sister down for dinner.

I put a marker in my book before placing in down on my nightstand. I quickly ran down the stairs to see my mom and sister in the kitchen. "Ok, so I haven't finished unpacking the kitchen yet so, what do you guys want to eat?" My mom asked

"Well, I heard that there is this little pizza place a few blocks away. Why don't we order from there?" s/n asked

My mom looked at me for my opinion. I simply nodded before sitting down on one of the island chairs.

"Well, I want a pepperoni pizza."
s/n said

"I'll take pineapple pizza."

"I still don't understand why you eat that." s/n scoffed

I sighed and looked at her. "It's really not that bad."

"Pineapple doesn't belong on pizza." She said

"Girls, please." Mom scolded as she held her phone to her ear.

We both nodded before s/n grabbed her phone and headed back upstairs. After I heard her door close, I made my way up to my room.

I picked up my book and began reading from the page I left off on.

-Time skip brought to you by Tyler's scooter-

I was once again deeply submerged into the pages of my book, when the doorbell rang. I looked up and checked my phone. It was about 7:45-ish. I shrugged it off hoping mom or s/n would get it.

The doorbell was rung once again. I rolled my eyes and shut my book making sure to make a mental note of what place I was at.

I walked out of my room and could hear 3 things. A shower, s/n on the phone, and the doorbell ringing for a third time. "Coming!" I called out

The doorbell went off again. "IM COMING!" I yelled.

I opened the door to be met with a boy who looked to be around my age. He had, raven-black curls, amazing chocolate brown eyes, and freckles scattered around his cheeks and nose.

He's beautiful, I thought. I guess through my day-dreaming, I didn't even realize that I had been staring at the boy before I heard him speak. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked with a tone of concern

I snapped out of my trance and looked at the boy in a daze. "Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry, I've just never seen someone so pretty."

I quickly covered my mouth when I realized what I said. The boy only chuckled while I blushed of embarrassment. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"No. It's ok. I could say the same thing."

I blush became deeper at his words. I finally remember why this beautiful boy was at my front door. "Oh, um my pizzas," I trailed off

"Oh, yeah. Ok, so, I have a pepperoni pizza, a meat lovers pizza, Buffalo wings, and a pineapple pizza." He said saying the last one as more of a question.

"Yes, pineapple pizza, my favorite." I said

"Really?" The boy asked

"Yes, really." I mocked

"Interesting. Anyways, I need you to sign the receipt." He said and handed me a pen and a small slip of paper.

I wrote down my signature and on the back put my number. I watched the boy raise his eyebrows in confusion as he watched me write on the back of the paper.

I handed it back to him and he gave me the pizza. "Y/n? That's a pretty name." He complimented

"Thank you. What's yours?" I asked

"Tyler." He said

"Ok, Tyler the pizza boy." I chuckled.

"Well, um. I gotta get going but, see you around?" He asked

"Yeah, see you around." I said nodding and closing the door as he walked off. I quickly walked over to the front window as I watched him walk off. He looked down at the receipt. I wasn't sure what side he was looking at, but I watched as he did a little happy dance.

I giggle at his actions as I saw him get on his scooter. I heard the sound of footsteps coming down but I didn't pay attention to them I was still watching Tyler disappear into the night.

"N/n, is the pizza he- y/n?" S/n asked pulling out of my daze.

"Yeah?" I sighed dreamily.

"Why are you smiling so big?" She asked

"I really like this g- pineapple pizza." I said

S/n eyebrows lifted in confusion. "Okay, weirdo." She grabbed her pizza

As she walked upstairs, all I could think about was Tyler the Pizza Boy.


☁︎︎Author Speaks☁︎︎:
Ok, so that was actually a lot cuter in my head, but it's still pretty good. Have you guys started school yet, if not when do you? Votes and Comments are very much appreciated!

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