Chapter 8 - Petition and Jeff

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Sally was a new and happy addition to their group, one that they deeply enjoyed. Having a child around did bring up the mood, and brought out the inner parents within Sans and Jane, and the inner brother within Ben. She was a joy, playing with Charlie and overall being a positive person. It was another light in their life, and Sans quickly became attached to her.

Why wouldn't he? She was small and adorable! For some reason he found himself wanting to take care of her, it made a bubbly feeling of nostalgia flash throughout his soul. When he went to hold her hand, sometimes he pictured a red glove instead, or he felt that her hand was too fleshy. Those moments were fleeting, though, and he never could grasp why he felt like that.

Either way, Sally was adorable, and Sans loved taking care of her. He'd tuck her in, read a bedtime story, and generally just treat her like a little sibling. Sometimes messing with her, but overall looking out for her. Ben liked to play with games, and he considered her like his little sister, but Sans was easiest the closest to her.

"(Did you like how Jane made you a fairy Princess?)" Sans asked as they walked down the sidewalk and over a corpse, his hand holding Sally's as they walked back from a nearby toy store.

"(Mhm!)" Sally hummed, skipping as her frilly pink skirt jumped with each movement. "(Now I have fairy wings! Charlie likes how I look too! He's a pretty princess!)"

"(You both are pretty princesses,)" Sans said, adjusting the bookbag on his shoulders. "(I hope Ben likes these video games we found. One of them is a zombie game, which is funny, because he can just walk outside and experience one.)"

"(Are you going to be making spaghetti again?)" Sally asked him, stepping into a puddle of blood.

Sans thought for a moment. Jane had banned him from the stove for making spaghetti, and admittedly he deserved it. For some reason, when he cooked it, his urges took over, and he never followed the instructions. When they said to lightly crush the tomato, he'd smash it. When it said medium heat, Sans would turn it up until the entire pot was practically consumed by the flames. Which was weird, because Sans only did that for spaghetti. Every other meal he followed the basic instructions, but this specific meal that he always felt like he should make turned out horrible every time. Sans didn't know why, he just made it that way.

"(Excuse me,)" A zombie gurgled next to them, making Sans perk up.

"(Yeah?)" He asked.

Zombies were easy to trust for him. They were all on the same playing field, having no memories, no lives, no purpose but to wonder and eat. Not to mention they were slower than Sans, so he had a natural advantage for never eating what they ate.

The zombie, slow and sloppy in his movements, pulled out a piece of paper. "(Um... the human survivor scares us.)"

"(Heh, yeah,)" Sans said, taking the offered piece of paper. "(But what's this for?)"

"(Since she's kinda running the town already, and a lot of us haven't gotten to eat in awhile since she's the only survivor in this town, we wanted to um... well, kind of do this. Most of us are on board, and we want to feel normal again. She's already practically in charge of us.)"

Was this a petition?

Yup, it was. Sans looked down at the paper, reading through the scrawled and horrible handwriting. Guess their little group weren't the only people who were trying to live a comfortable life again.

That was the nature of the zombie apocalypse. Life was risky, scary, uncontrolled. Small groups banded together to try and survive, but it was always a guess of who would be killed next. Jane, frankly, was the only sense of control and security nowadays. Her unmatched strength and speed, not to mention accuracy with weapons, practically guaranteed their survival. No zombie could stand against her, much less a survivor. And with the over abundance of slow moving zombies, and the lack of armed survivors, Jane had practically established her claim over the town.

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